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  1. Aron the Aron

    Other RP Ideas that never work out

    We all have that one idea, that one plot that we desperately want to find a partner/group for. For whatever reason, you just cannot seem to find any success getting an RP up and running, and through no fault of your own! Maybe you find willing partners who disappear off the face of the earth...
  2. Aron the Aron

    Idea Describe your latest RP idea in a sentence!

    A stereotypical "Knight always the Dragon and rescues the Princess" story, but the Princess is a runaway, the knight is an idiot, and the Dragon has nothing to do with the kidnapping and wants to be left alone.
  3. Aron the Aron

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    I still stand by what I said regarding playing Canon characters bringing a flat "No." out of me, and will adamantly refuse any RP that even brings it up. Personal Policy
  4. Aron the Aron

    Viewpoint "I don't get it." What's an RP Fandom/Theme/Idea you could never understand?

    I think the general consensus behind the "ick" of using IRL faceclaims is simply the knowledge that said faceclaims are of actual people walking the earth, and my troglodyte brain will refuse to acknowledge your character as anything but whoever that person is most famous for portraying in...
  5. Aron the Aron

    Viewpoint "I don't get it." What's an RP Fandom/Theme/Idea you could never understand?

    We've all been there before: you're browsing RPN, maybe searching the Interest Checks for new partners to RP with when you start noticing trends. "Wow, that's a lot of threads asking/craving for X!" "Wait, people want to roleplay X?" And you just cannot for the life of it understand the...
  6. Aron the Aron

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    This is going to sound extremely odd and petty but... CCxOC and CCxCC centered RPs. I've always felt strongly against romance involving a canon character for the simple reason that I perceive it as "wish fulfillment." Now I get it: Roleplaying in general can be seen as "wish fulfillment" by...
  7. Aron the Aron

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    This is going to sound incredibly petty but... Verb Tense Inconsistency. English is a stupid and dumb language that makes grown men cry bitter tears, but nothing drives me up the wall more than this.
  8. Aron the Aron

    Advice/Help Does Plotting Ahead Kill Your Roleplay?

    Putting my two cents based off what experience I've gotten off of this site and other places I've been in *coughcoughFeralfrontcough* Plotting every little detail of an RP out can be like reading the Synopsis of a movie before watching it; it can either enhance your experience through...