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  1. Archie

    Advice/Help Post Orders?

    Well, guess it's time to make a summary section for my RP haha
  2. Archie

    Advice/Help Post Orders?

    I love that, especially "if you're giving your players the opportunity to create social connections with each of the characters, and your players are not taking that initiative to heart, then something else needs to be fixed".
  3. Archie

    Advice/Help No CS RPs?

    This is an idea I've been toying with for a while. Has anyone ever been in one of these and how did it work out? CS's have been a thing as long as I've been roleplaying, and I've only ever signed up for one no-CS RP that didn't last long (though not for that reason). I really think the CS is a...
  4. Archie

    Advice/Help Post Orders?

    Something I've ben thinking about for a while. At a party or in a bar you really only talk to 1-2 people at a time even if there's a group. You weave in and out of the crowd, talking to different people. If you do talk to 2 people, you really focus more on one at a time while the other one just...
  5. Archie

    Experiences Taking other people's plots as your own

    One of the backdrops to one of my group RP's was taken once and I've never been more flattered.
  6. Archie

    Advice/Help Is there any way to make my rps more interesting/get more people to rp?

    I’ve found it’s pretty easy to get a lot of players if your RP is an original concept but not that complicated. Making them last on the other hand...
  7. Archie

    Advice/Help Have you ever written a post that doesn't feel up to par?

    All the time. Good prose is very important to me, especially lately. I always feel like it can be better and sometimes rewrite the post from scratch, only to say the same thing. It's come down to trusting that I'm a good enough writer and realizing that most people skim RP posts anyway since...
  8. Archie

    Experiences I've been on RPN since 2014, new RPs seem to be on a decline and even less end up being substantial, here's what I think

    Do we have hard data on user numbers? I've had this account for 5 years and if anything I think this site has gotten more active (at least with literate RPs). Last year I kicked off an RP that was almost the exact same as one I tried to boot up years before and got 3 times the number of CS'es. I...
  9. Archie

    Other What causes an RP to shut down all of a sudden?

    The single biggest thing in my experience is dull cast chemistry. None of the characters really become friends (not to mention entering relationships) and they all "go around in a circle", travelling as one big group and obeying posting orders until some links in this circular chain drop out...
  10. Archie

    Advice/Help How the darn diddly hell does one plot?

    Brainstorm memorable scenes then cook up ways to get there. A book is made by epic moments: the Red Wedding, the Ride of the Rohirim. The plot just "connects the dots". The best books are packed with these and cut to the chase. Everyone can dream up an epic moment. Great writers are excellent at...
  11. Archie

    Advice/Help Is it okay to roleplay as characters that aren't a part of your race/ethnic group?

    Agree. This also begs the question of what counts as a POC. I'm mixed race but white passing - should I count as a POC? What about Jason Momoa, Keanu Reeves, Henry Golding? Where do we draw the line - 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, or the good old "one drop rule"? Each of these is problematic for...
  12. Archie

    Advice/Help Is it okay to roleplay as characters that aren't a part of your race/ethnic group?

    They've become diverse but not inclusive. Though there are obviously exceptions (shows targeted at POC like Dear White People or Wu Assassins), most shows have great diversity in representation of white characters but their POC characters are 1-sided tropes. Shows are still contaminated with...
  13. Archie

    Advice/Help Is it okay to roleplay as characters that aren't a part of your race/ethnic group?

    In 1900, European professors believed there were 3 races of white people: Nordics, Alpinics, and Mediterraneans. British and Italian professors were constantly arguing as to whether the Nordic or Mediterranean race was superior. In the US, there was intra-white discrimination against Southern...
  14. Archie

    Viewpoint Roleplay or writing?

    There's no way I'll ever finish a book by myself. The range of characters I can write convincingly is not terrific. Roleplaying is basically crowdsourcing ideas, dialogue, and plot.
  15. Archie

    Other Name Your First OC's Personality in 3 Words

    Had none whatsoever
  16. Archie

    Viewpoint Characters Types You Love/Hate To Play?

    I only have 3 rules: 1. I'll never play the same character twice. Every character has a different inspiration - sometimes they're not even based on people but on ideas I've read about. 2. They have to believe something I don't. That's not just to make it more fun, but because people with...
  17. Archie

    Advice/Help Help With Storytelling?

    Story comes from Greek: historia, "discovering/finding out", and histor, "wise man". A story is about characters discovering things and becoming wiser as a result.
  18. Archie

    Advice/Help Map Making Sites?

    Inkarnate: You can have my login for the pro version if you want
  19. Archie

    Advice/Help Posting Orders?

    In any RP, people will drop off. A hard posting order makes everyone else wait while that one person has quit (very few people say "I'm quitting", most say "I'll post soon!" and never do). This encourages even more people to get bored and quit. At the same time, no posting order means people can...
  20. Archie

    Viewpoint Risk of dying vs "plotline immortality"

    I'd rather join a roleplay that lasts long enough for this to even be a question. If you're at the point where you're actually looking to kill off characters, you've already succeeded.