Search results for query: *

  1. TrueRelic

    Looking for Hunting for a Teleparty Crew

    Guys, gals, and all in between. Let's have a teleparty. I'm just saying, it's pretty cool.
  2. TrueRelic

    Looking for Writing group, anybody?

    I'd really enjoy doing something like this! I need to get my writing viewed through a more critical lens. If you'll have me, I'm here. Edit: lense? Really? >-<
  3. TrueRelic

    Looking for Hunting for a Teleparty Crew

  4. TrueRelic

    Looking for Hunting for a Teleparty Crew

    DISCLAIMER: I'm not sure if I'm allowed to look for this since it would involve a third-party app not related to RPNation. If I'm overstepping/breaking any rules, please tell me. Hey there! I'm wondering if there are any people who are bored (specifically on Saturdays and Mondays, because those...