Search results for query: *

  1. Macintot

    Chitchat What are some weird things you believed growing up?

    My 4th-grade teacher told us that the the plural of moose is meese, and for years nobody could convince me otherwise.
  2. Macintot

    Other Yeah idk

    Welcome to RPN! Are you looking for advice on how RP works or the site in general?
  3. Macintot

    Looking for A tentative return

    I thought I saw your username! Welcome back!
  4. Macintot

    Opinion Teacher Moments

    Personally, I was a teacher's pet who got along really well with all my teachers. (It probably helps that a) my mom's a teacher and often worked at the same school as my teachers, and b) I was homeschooled from seventh grade onward, so I didn't have any teachers to clash with in my teenage...
  5. Macintot

    RpNation - Member Pictures - Put a Face to the Name

    My paramedic patch just came in the mail, so I figured I'd celebrate with a picture.
  6. Macintot

    Other Looking for a villain

    I know a guy
  7. Macintot

    Opinion how do you take your coffee in the morning?

    I've never heard of blueberry sugar and now I'm intrigued
  8. Macintot

    Chitchat How Are You Doing Today?

    Already did that and got a new card. I'll have to write the cash and gift cards off as a loss, though. Along with all of my IDs and liscenses/certification cards that'll need to be replaced.
  9. Macintot

    Chitchat How Are You Doing Today?

    Pretty sure a nursing student (or their teacher) stole my wallet. . . so about that well. And also my coat. In a separate incident. It was a fifteen dollar coat from Walmart.
  10. Macintot

    Opinion how do you take your coffee in the morning?

    If I'm drinking coffee for the caffeine, I usually drink it black (or with whatever flavor is in the blend; I bought a bag of honey and vanilla Starbucks coffee that tastes amazing). If I'm drinking it for the flavor/to have something to drink, it will have so much flavor that it will no longer...
  11. Macintot

    Tutorial One Awesome Idea: How to expand your Writing Skills with "Terrible Writing Advice"

    I honestly get more ideas from that channel than I do anywhere else. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.
  12. Macintot

    Other What is a game series that you wish you could finish but don’t have time for?

    I started Hollow Knight and immediately fell in love with it, but wound up quitting about halfway through because it's hard and I suck at games. I wish I could go back and finish it, but I don't have my Switch anymore.
  13. Macintot

    Opinion What's the saddest movie you've ever seen?

    There's probably a sadder movie I can't remember, but off the top of my head probably Pixar's Onward, The Knowing, or a movie about a kid with cancer called Letters to God. However, I have a penchant for only crying in movies I'd be emberassed to admit I cried in. So if that's the criteria...
  14. Macintot

    Chitchat If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and why?

    I think I'd want the first line of the Oath of Geneva (a medical oath created during the Geneva Convention) over my heart: "I solemnly pledge to consecrate my life in the service of humanity."
  15. Macintot

    Chitchat Making Friends On The Site.

    I'm not exactly new, but I don't really know anyone so here goes! I'm MindofChrist, or you can just call me Mind for short. I'm not roleplaying right now due to time constraints, so I mostly just hang out in the general discussion board and occaisonally lurk in recruitment. Hopefully in a year...
  16. Macintot

    Chitchat Mild inconveniences

    For some ungodly reason, the hospital likes to send out all of their long-distance transfers in the middle of the night. Guess who only got three hours of sleep?
  17. Macintot

    Other Southern U.S. Storm Rollcall

    So a giant chain of storms is sweeping the south right now, with several tornadoes. It's mostly over Oklahoma and Missouri right now, passed over Texas, and I assume hit Kansas and Arkansas too. Everyone all right?