Search results for query: *

  1. HowlingWoods

    Other Shout Out the Homies!

    @meep. I second every sentiment here, and I'm not ashamed to say you made me blush. You're one of the sweetest people I've ever met, and you have a sense of perseverance that continues to astound me. You're amazing, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. <3 You taught me a lot about...
  2. HowlingWoods

    Opinion I Don't Even Knew How to Sew: When People Assume You Do What You Don't

    There's a lot of things that people assume I do that I don't. I could name a few things people assume: that I've used Netflix before, that I'm funny intentionally (I'm apparently funny but rarely intentionally), that just because I can crochet a stuffed animal means I can make them an entire...
  3. HowlingWoods

    Opinion The Ones That Don't Ask Questions

    I appreciate the honest and thoughtful answer. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I don't have much more to say on this topic. My argument has been corrected, and I have come to agree with what you are saying. I also do think that understanding other's comfort zones is a skill that, while innately...
  4. HowlingWoods

    Opinion The Ones That Don't Ask Questions

    I apologize if I came off as not being accepting of different ideologies. I'd like to correct myself. Some of what I've written was written in the heat of the moment. It is a rant, after all. That said, I think I realize that my argument applies only to me, and not to the general populace...
  5. HowlingWoods

    Opinion The Ones That Don't Ask Questions

    I suppose I see your point. I guess I just can't bring myself to understand, because I was judged for being me so often from a young age that I learned really quickly that other people's opinions don't mean jack squat. I was bullied very severely from the time I was in kindergarten. My first...
  6. HowlingWoods

    Opinion The Ones That Don't Ask Questions

    Hmm. I've never had that problem, but then again I've always been ahead of everyone else when it came to vocabulary. That makes a bit of sense, but what about when someone is asking you if you don't know the word? By that point you've already been called out on it, you might as well fess up...
  7. HowlingWoods

    Opinion The Ones That Don't Ask Questions

    EDIT: To clarify, this is a rant, not really asking anyone's opinion, but feel free to say hello or commiserate with me anyway. There just isn't a prefix for rants. xD So, this is really random...but you know something that really makes me mad? When I'm talking to someone about something, and...
  8. HowlingWoods

    Opinion Does anyone else hate text chat?

    I'm asking to have this thread closed before it gets too out of hand. I can already see drama brewing here, and the actual topic has been discussed as much as it can be. Any further discussion is simply beating a horse that is already dead.
  9. HowlingWoods

    Opinion Does anyone else hate text chat?

    I think the point has been made. If everyone thinks the same thing, I don't see any more reason to have a debate open about this. I can't exactly close the thread, but I will ask that everyone refrain from posting again unless they have a new opinion that hasn't already been stated to...
  10. HowlingWoods

    Opinion Does anyone else hate text chat?

    I second this. I feel like my opinion is changing as I realize how short-sighted I can be. I wonder how many times it'll take for me to realize I'm being shortsighted before I actually fix the issue... I'm not going to say anything about the millennials as I just learned what that even meant...
  11. HowlingWoods

    Opinion Does anyone else hate text chat?

    I can see your point. My problem isn't that I dislike talking to people who use text chat, as long as it's readable, but I want to know if this could be affecting our intelligence or literacy as a whole. CRiTiCAL ERROR mentioned earlier that he's seen people using text chat is college essays...
  12. HowlingWoods

    Opinion Does anyone else hate text chat?

    'lol' 'wtf' and 'omg' are all abbreviations, not text chat. An abbreviation is made when you take the first letter of every word in a phrase (excluding articles such as 'of' and 'the') and put them together in order to shorten the original phrase to only one word or group of letters. I have no...
  13. HowlingWoods

    Opinion Does anyone else hate text chat?

    'soz' 'thnx' 'B4' 'c u' Why are all of these "words" recognized by my spell check filter? These aren't words. They're not even abbreviations. 'FBI' is an abbreviation for 'Federal Bureau of Investigation'. 'USB' is an abbreviation for 'Universal Serial Bus'. Those are abbreviations...
  14. HowlingWoods

    Chitchat Anyone Else Use Random Songs for Their Characters' Themes?

    I don't do fandoms, but I know a lot of good video games with amazing soundtrack (Life is Strange, Ori and the Blind Forest, etc.) and so sometimes I pick up songs for them to use for my characters. I usually don't do theme songs, but if my characters particularly like music I usually include...
  15. HowlingWoods

    Chitchat Chit Chat....Chitti Chitti Chit Chat!

    If anyone understands the reference in the title above, feel free to discuss your childish desires. (Because we all need a few Disney movies here and there, right?) On a different note, does anyone else rely heavily on the 'Open in new tab' button in their browser? I never realized how much I...