Opinion I Don't Even Knew How to Sew: When People Assume You Do What You Don't


"And she heaved the forest upon her back"
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There's a lot of things that people assume I do that I don't. I could name a few things people assume: that I've used Netflix before, that I'm funny intentionally (I'm apparently funny but rarely intentionally), that just because I can crochet a stuffed animal means I can make them an entire shawl...But the thing I'm here to talk about today is how people think I modify my shirts.

Like one time someone complimented me on a shirt I have that is pretty obviously professionally done. It's a sleeveless t-shirt, like a tank top but with straight up-and-down sleeves, I forgot what they're called. Anyway and it has a string about the width of a shoelace woven into it through holes in the fabric with metal pieces, kinda like the holes you weave your shoelaces through...It's kinda hard to explain but if someone had modified it themselves they would have had to be very skillful, skillful enough to probably make their own shirts from scratch.

But this girl at my school walked up to me and was like, "Hey, I love how you modified your shirt! It's so creative!" And I was just like ;-; I didn't tho

Another time someone called me a slut for modifying my shirt into a v-neck, except it wasn't any lower than most v-necks, it showed absolutely 0 cleavage, it barely went below my collarbone. AND I BOUGHT IT LIKE THAT

Like seriously?

And I've had a friend passively reference the "fact" that I modify my shirts and I had to correct them and it was super awkward

I'm not sure if this really counts, but one time I was asked if I crocheted the shawl I bought myself and I was like 1.) This is very clearly knitted 2.) No I bought it I wish I was this talanted-

Like honestly why does everyone think that?

I don't even know how to sew

So, does anyone else have similar experiences where people always assume that you do something that you've never done before? Feel free to share!

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