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  1. Elle Joyner


    Honestly... I know I'm probably gonna get dinged for this... and I hope that the mods understand this isn't personal, because I KNOW you're working your tails off, and that's appreciated, especially bearing in mind you're doing it for free... but this? This is heart breaking. And I'm not even...
  2. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    From what I understand/remember, no site member (beyond staff) can -actually- delete anything. They can -soft- delete, which means the thread goes invisible, but staff can still see it. I would assume with the board it'll be the same. As for deleting the whole thing, essentially you can do that...
  3. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    1x1s being included would be kind of a waste. Rarely do 1x1s need more than one or two threads. And I don't imagine deletion would be any different than it is currently?
  4. Elle Joyner

    BBCode 2.0

    Girl plz. Speak English words! (<3)
  5. Elle Joyner

    A Board to Goof Off?

    I'm imagining judging from the content of the post... and the general intellect level of members on the site, people would probably figure it out :) But best of luck to ya! Stranger things have happened.
  6. Elle Joyner

    A Board to Goof Off?

    I'm sure it will :) People like to goof off around here. But I still don't imagine it needs it's own section/forum/prefix. Not when the main focus of the site is roleplaying, and there's already plenty of locations for threads like that ;-)
  7. Elle Joyner

    A Board to Goof Off?

    Eh. I dunno. Just seems like a waste of time to me when I could be writing posts xD But I come here solely to RP, anyhow.
  8. Elle Joyner

    A Board to Goof Off?

    >_> Seems like a strange focus for a roleplaying site?
  9. Elle Joyner

    BBCode 2.0

    Haha - no shame! It varies depending on the editor whether or not it allowed for hyperlink crossover <3
  10. Elle Joyner

    BBCode 2.0

    I think what he means is... copying a page with hyperlinks and having the hyperlinks stay as they are (without having to use the URL /URL code) - which you can't do on RPN currently with either editor. (Link designations just appear as regular text, instead of hyperlinks)
  11. Elle Joyner

    BBCode 2.0

    This thread is regarding the new system that is coming sometime in 2017 :)
  12. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    Depends on the rp. If I have a tab for it, probably, yes.
  13. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    What Morde said. I have a few rps that have six/seven tabs.
  14. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    If the new system limits it to five, but the old system was seven... how will that be reconciled? Will old threads with more than five tabs simply stay in the old format?
  15. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    xD My question got buried twice... ;_;
  16. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    There's a new editor being created entirely that will negate bbcode. There was a thread on it a few days back.
  17. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    I learned a long time ago that no matter how much you hate it, or rage against it, you can't stop change. You can either embrace it for what it is - an opportunity to learn something new... or get angsty about it till you realize it's not that bad. Trust me... I'm a bbcode queen and I'm still...
  18. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    Oh no :) I got what you meant. I was saying that the tags wouldn't be so easily/quickly overlooked if there were no prefixes to rely on.
  19. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    xD Well... >_> Not if the prefixes don't exist.
  20. Elle Joyner

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    This - definitely. Tags are -very- useful.