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  1. iWriteAboutNothing

    Other What's A Tip You'd Give To Help Improve Someone's Life In A Small Way?

    It's okay to cry sometimes. Sorrow's like a damn. Crying releases the pressure. Change your mental perspective of tears as the lowest you can go (weakness) to a necessity of this world, and you'll find yourself much happier than you'd expect. Not many other animals cry. It's there for a reason...
  2. iWriteAboutNothing

    Other What is the secret of a happy life?

    If you don't believe in God, just ignore the lines He's mentioned in.
  3. iWriteAboutNothing

    Other What is the secret of a happy life?

    1. Believe in something 2. Never fight over things you have the potential to gather yourself 3. Politics and poison start with the same letters for a reason. Don't be fooled: Left, Right, East, North, West or South, they're all idiots who got lucky. 4. Never let people define you, their words...
  4. iWriteAboutNothing

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    Because no one in the world has ever or will ever write anything other than pure and honest nonsense. They all use a false wall to hide insecurities that even they may not be aware of. I simply acknowledge that fact.
  5. iWriteAboutNothing

    Other On the topic of boxes

    I hate boxes. I rip them into thin shreds, cover them in gasoline, and use them as fuel for my campfires that I cook hot dogs and smores over. If I'm not making a campfire that day, I toss it into my worm farm for them to slowly be eaten whole by nightmare fuel. I write everything down, then I...
  6. iWriteAboutNothing

    Other What do you do while you wait for rp replies?

    I find a nice high spot in my room, climb up there, and hang upside down. Then, I'll try to see what I can get done before I pass out and and fall to the floor. Then I get up and do it all again. Everyday. When I'm not at work.
  7. iWriteAboutNothing

    Other Random Facts about yourself?

    I liek turtles. I named mine Tuck. Yes, I'm older than twelve. I just happened to like the "Do you lieks Mudkipz" meme. Please don't hate me.
  8. iWriteAboutNothing

    Other Random Facts about yourself?

    I have a pet Chihuahua. His name is Rex.  I like to fold origami.
  9. iWriteAboutNothing

    Any 3ds or Smash Bros players out there?

    "Gotta Catch 'em all!" They said. "Pika!" They said. "Be the best!" They said. When the number of existing Pokemon can literally fill up a Webster's Dictionary, you know you've gone too far... The dream is lost. Maybe I'll go try Monster Hunter instead.
  10. iWriteAboutNothing

    Any 3ds or Smash Bros players out there?

    Yoshi's actually pretty easy to play as if you can pull off his grabbing techniques quickly enough. The 3DS doesn't have many non-Smash Bros or non-Fire Emblems that interested me enough. There are the Pokemon games, if that interests you.
  11. iWriteAboutNothing

    Any 3ds or Smash Bros players out there?

    I main Sonic, Yoshi, and Villager. Bite me. I know how to use all the other characters decently, but not Olimar. Never Olimar...