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  1. RedArmyShogun

    Other What's your favorite "core?"

    Armored Core
  2. RedArmyShogun

    Other Worst Pain You've Ever Felt

    Not sure, its a bit of a toss up between; 1. When I had 15 gallstones and needed emergency surgery that night, and only went in as my back was hurting to the point I couldn't lay down or anything. 2. When I wrecked a bicycle doing stupid shit as a kid in nothing but a pair of shorts on a sand...
  3. RedArmyShogun

    Other What tattoos do u want or have? :D

    I've pondered getting the Aquila of the Imperium of man tattooed on my back, just purely to screw with the minds of people that don't know 40k. See if GW sues me to take it off. But in general, I don't have any, nor want any. Skin sags when you get old, and that will ruin most of them I find...
  4. RedArmyShogun

    Food In your opinion, what's the worst ice cream flavor you ever tried?

    Then that's just Chocolate Ice cream, which I agree with.
  5. RedArmyShogun

    Food In your opinion, what's the worst ice cream flavor you ever tried?

    Its more like, mint ice cream with chocolate.
  6. RedArmyShogun

    Food In your opinion, what's the worst ice cream flavor you ever tried?

    Gotta go with Mint, though there are some brands I don't like at all, such as Ben & Jerry's and Bryers. Tillamook is where its at.
  7. RedArmyShogun

    Other How do you deal with the "Mondays?"

    How do I deal with it? Simple. I don't see the weekends as a great time or slack off during it. No more than any other day at least. I also conduct my hobbies with the same energy as I do my work and vise verse, but that may have to do with how I'm "wired" so to speak. I also have no "that day...
  8. RedArmyShogun

    Other Random question of the day

    Tony Hawk surprisingly in my younger years.
  9. RedArmyShogun

    Other Random question of the day

    All of them, trolololol. I only ever liked two classes and the library. I hated going outside of that. Wasn't really bullied, or when I was, I would fight back, went to ISS a lot for that depending on the year. Otherwise, it was a place to do my work and get out quickly and correctly, to cause a...
  10. RedArmyShogun

    Other Random question of the day

  11. RedArmyShogun

    Other How do you relieve stress?

    I guess RP, though some of them cause me stress, other than that I have a number of physical interests and hobbies, such as working out, shadow boxing, walks in the woods. Sometimes I just rant and have what others term "Red talks". Other times games, or other things akin to that. Sometimes I...
  12. RedArmyShogun

    Other How much toxicity can you live with in a community?

    Depends how you define "toxic" there are more than a few things in modern culture and some users on this site that I don't like at all, but I roll with the punches when need be and make it pretty clear where I stand in regard to them. I don't consider arguing to be toxic, viewpoints *will*...
  13. RedArmyShogun

    Other Does anyone feel like rain & storms were just, made for writing!?

    No, if anything I find them annoying as I'm rolling the dice on if my power blinks out mid post.
  14. RedArmyShogun

    Other What’s your “cringey” interest?

    Uh, either rp'ing or collecting anime figures.
  15. RedArmyShogun

    Food What's your McDonald's order?

    I go there in single digit ratio's a year. Normally I get what is on sale, or something cheap.
  16. RedArmyShogun

    Other Do you know how to cook?

    I cook a bit as I can't afford to eat out often, but I mostly cook simple things or need a recipe book/list, minus for things I know well like Shrimp Scampi, but anyone can cook that.
  17. RedArmyShogun

    Other Do you miss rp friends?

    Well, two people I've rp'ed with for a decade now are around here and I still RP with them, but I've been rping since roughly 2001. And I can't say I miss the vast majority of them. I can't say I seen most of them as friends either, more like fellow hobbyists, I've moved on.
  18. RedArmyShogun

    Other What's your favorite color?

    *gasp* I've been found out. The Red ones go fasta.
  19. RedArmyShogun

    Other Why did you choose your avatar?

    It suits me.
  20. RedArmyShogun

    Other What's your favorite color?

    I wonder...