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  1. Error404RealityFailed

    Other Help?

    Yeah... But I've been out of school for two months, so I have no contact with anybody really. But I have good news! My brother (Very very close friend) just messaged me! It's a happy thing
  2. Error404RealityFailed

    Other Help?

    XD Yeah, Depression, Anxiety, Anorexia, and Aspergers and a couple pending diagnoses. They think I have a form of psychosis too
  3. Error404RealityFailed

    Other Help?

    Yeah. A metal coat hanger wire with a sharpened edge
  4. Error404RealityFailed

    Other Help?

    I am a guy... And I'm worried because I've been... Just cutting with a wire...
  5. Error404RealityFailed

    Other Help?

    15... Been in mental hospitals since 12 but not sure I want to go in again
  6. Error404RealityFailed

    Other Help?

    I'm beginning to think I really did belong in that hospital... My mind is a pretty fucked up place, and I can't tell what's real. I don't know what I feel... I don't want to go back in, but I think I might need to. Sometimes I consider dying, but only as a last resort. I wonder what it would be...
  7. Error404RealityFailed

    Other Should I do it?

    XD I didn't... I instead went out to dinner and got turned down with dessert...
  8. Error404RealityFailed

    Other Should I do it?

    Well... I'm wondering if the time has come... Should I walk two miles to get that milkshake?
  9. Error404RealityFailed

    Other Happy Birthday HalfMe-HalfHer~!!!

    OOOOH! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YAAAAAAY! HAVE VIRTUAL BALLOONS! :bishiesparklesr::bishiesparklesr::bishiesparklesr::bishiesparklesr::bishiesparklesr::bishiesparklesr::bishiesparklesr: (I couldn't find actual balloons... ;~; Sorry)