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  1. Abendrot

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    i think brown sugar boba is heavily overrated. like EXTRAORDINARILY overrated.
  2. Abendrot

    Other Tell us about your pet peeves!

    Passive-aggressiveness. I feel like so many people's lives would be easier if they could properly communicate what they want, need, like, or dislike, etc. Unless you’re endangering yourself by speaking your mind, there's usually no need to sulk or play coy trying to get the other party to...
  3. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

    I'm already pretty soft-spoken irl so I may as well whisper lol
  4. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

    Flight. Now I don't have to commute :coolshades:
  5. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

    No, at least not genetically if that's what you mean by "inherit".
  6. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

    I'm too embarrassed to say....
  7. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

    Walt really isn't much of a fighter, like his strength is in chemistry and long-term tactics, not combat. Rick is a trained police officer who survived a decade into the zombie apocalypse and has killed countless people and walkers. Rick.
  8. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

    Big guilty pleasure is watching relationship drama unfold between characters, like I want to know what they need to go to couple’s therapy for. I mean genuinely relationship-threatening situations that they overcome together
  9. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

    Pretty far in the future, I honestly can't say for certain.
  10. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

    Yeah. I try not to dwell on it for too much or assign myself too much blame for failed relationships. Only thing you can do is reflect, learn, and move on.
  11. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

  12. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

    Adding onto this, most human beings are not in the public eye under scrutiny from the media and such
  13. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

  14. Abendrot

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    All Euphoria has to offer is good cinematography, the writing is not good 😭😭
  15. Abendrot

    Other Random question of the day

    There's a whole line of people waiting behind you, hurry it up and order like a normal person.
  16. Abendrot

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    Coleslaw is one of my favorite side dishes and I don't understand the hate.
  17. Abendrot

    Other Random Questions

    How do I know if I'm eligible to claim political asylum in Russia? This is a time sensitive question.
  18. Abendrot

    Other What LGTBQ-Related question pisses you off?

    So, yeah, the common denominator for most of these answers is that some cis/het people are still asking queer people invasive, private questions about their genitals, sex life, ("are you a top or a bottom?"), etc. You wouldn't ask a random straight person these questions about their bedroom...
  19. Abendrot

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    "Don't judge a book by its cover!" Nah because sometimes I will choose not to pick up a book if the cover is ugly enough. Tacky covers are fine but I cannot stand the recent wave of miminal effort photoshop covers. Just do better.
  20. Abendrot

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    I'm not sure why the writers of this game insisted on writing this story at the absolute expense of the player's patience while also insulting their intelligence. Maybe I would appreciate a deconstruction of the military shooter genre if it weren't so ham-fisted in its rather shallow critique of...