Search results for query: *

  1. weiikaza

    Fandom Kimetsu No Yaiba; Who...and what we fight for.

    (Current Setting: Shrine Area) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ He'd listen carefully to the lavender haired man's explanation, his eyes narrowing slightly as he now glanced around at the...
  2. weiikaza

    Fandom One Piece: The Overshadowed Generation

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gotta admit, nooot the best of situations to be in right now. Not once, but twice now he'd been forced to evade around the law by hiding himself away. This...
  3. weiikaza

    Fandom Kimetsu No Yaiba; Who...and what we fight for.

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ With a heavy expression, Ukito would turn his attention back onto the demon the two slayers had just defeated. Before he could make another snarky comment...
  4. weiikaza

    Fandom Kimetsu No Yaiba; Who...and what we fight for.

    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLANG, CLANG, CLANG! The sound of two metallic objects hitting each other with force would cause him to wince as the noise practically blasted into...
  5. weiikaza

    Fandom Kimetsu No Yaiba; Who...and what we fight for.

    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ With his sword now drawn, he'd stomp onto his back heel in order to hold his own balance as he then whipped his blade around, making small collision...
  6. weiikaza

    Fandom Kimetsu No Yaiba; Who...and what we fight for.

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ukito would now be locked into the midst of battle, having entered the range of the Shinto Temple now with gleeming determination now that he was properly...
  7. weiikaza

    Fandom Kimetsu No Yaiba; Who...and what we fight for.

    An Appearance At Last: Ukito __________________________________________________________________________________ " God dammit! " Was the only thought passing by the young man's head as he sprinted through the seemingly never ending forest. With his fingers tightly grasped around the tsuka...
  8. weiikaza

    Fandom One Piece: The Overshadowed Generation

    ___ ENTER: YUICHI BOUCHARD ___ From a young boy, to a fully grown warrior, the black-haired man had wandered across the seas in search for some bit of entertainment to satiate his burning desire for adventure. It wasn't until he settled himself down onto Foosha Village that things would begin to...