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  1. Melon Bomb

    A New Road

    The long history of the Evarien Empire has threatened to crumble for years, but its fate was met with just as much resistance - the efforts of its citizens from the modest farmhands to the prestigious dukes lent their aid to the nation to keep it afloat in hopes of securing a better future...
  2. Melon Bomb

    Second Wind

    The cloaked man - Jack - nodded to the gathered group, first addressing certain concerns. "The reward amount should've been laid out upfront, though frankly it's none of my business if some bloke forgot to give you the proper details," the cloaked man spoke, interlocking his fingers as he...
  3. Melon Bomb

    Second Wind

    The scent of freshly caught trout hung in the air at the port city of Elambra, the local piers abundant with marine life and fishermen alike. Dusk was approaching and workers were beginning to peel off their gloves, carrying in the last of the imports and shipments of fish they had collected...
  4. Melon Bomb

    Second Wind

    A gift for some and a curse for others: A second chance at the expense of another, forced to run on borrowed time to live for your sake and for the one that died on your behalf. In a land rife with political tension and war right on the horizon, a handful of the risen who were chosen to lead...