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  1. Kyte

    Fantasy Winds of Nordenfall (Characters)

    Zephyr Greyfang Gender: Male Age: 23 General Appearance: Zephyr is a fit and very athletic young man with emerald green eyes and mid-length brunette hair with a light dusting of freckles over the bridge of his nose. He stands 5’10” (177cm). His clothing is dependent on the weather and...
  2. Kyte

    Fantasy ~Magistone: Western IC Group~

    The busted door leading to the lighthouse spire creaked loudly as Holland pushed it open. Immediately his face was stung by the wind propelled downpour of rain…there must have been a tropical storm blowing in from the west. Although it was an inconvenience, it would serve to slow down the...
  3. Kyte

    Fantasy ~Magistone: Western IC Group~

    Holland quietly leaned against the stone walled interior as he listened intently as everyone began introducing themselves, his eyes scanning across the room as each member chimed in. First was the older dark skinned woman, Her introduction was simple, yet curious. "I'm Jvala Qathor, a wind...
  4. Kyte

    Fantasy ~Magistone: Western IC Group~

    Holland could do little as the shadowhound crashed into his upper legs. The weight and momentum of the beast instantly caused Holland’s legs to buckle and he found himself airborne. Time slowed for Holland as he attempted to reach for the ledge of the lighthouse, but his hand slipped under his...
  5. Kyte

    Fantasy ~Magistone: Western IC Group~

    [/media] A cold and rain permeated wind bit harshly at Holland’s face as he watched the situation become increasingly grim. The survivors on the beachfront had indeed seen his signal, but the sheer amount of shadow hounds rendered it impossible for them to make the distance. It also seemed...
  6. Kyte

    Fantasy ~Magistone: Western IC Group~

    As the shadow hounds winded their way closer to the old lighthouse, all ambient sounds of the forest seemed to die. Everything became still and quiet, with only a gradual crescendo from the shadowy monstrosities to fill the silence. One particular hound slowly made its way to the eastern flank...
  7. Kyte

    Fantasy ~Magistone: Western IC Group~

    ] Silence...stillness…darkness… these are the only remaining truths of this forsaken land. The cold hearth of a once proud nation now permeates all things, from its diverse landscape, to its once bustling but now empty villages. Yet doth this old land of Valia persist, a specter unwilling to...
  8. Kyte

    Fantasy ~Magistone: Conversation Campfire~

    Added some Minor/short details and elaborations to Holland's Character sheet.
  9. Kyte

    Fantasy ~Magistone: Conversation Campfire~

    Looking forward to it! Sunday I work a late shift and will most likely not be able to post myself, but I will be reading through everyone's posts and should have it done on monday or tuesday at the latest.
  10. Kyte

    Fantasy ~Magistone: Conversation Campfire~

    Hello everyone, I just got around to reading through this out of character thread. If you missed my post in the introduction section, I am new to the site and have never participated in a online role-play before. But I am willing to learn and think I've got the gist after reading the site...
  11. Kyte

    Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone: Sign-up Thread!~

    Username: Kyte Name: Holland Campbell Age: 32 Tagline: The Tactful Ex-Captain. Appearance Picture: Appearance Details: At first glance, Holland could easily seem intimidating. Standing at 6’3 and maintaining a superbly athletic build, he has a commanding presence in most...