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  1. Alice Ripper

    Controlled, Altered, Deleted

    Gazet heard the countdown and begane to brace herself, she was still, and took deep breaths as she was still trying to recover a little bit. The feeling didn't bother her so much as she loved experiencing new things. She fell to the ground and began to rub her head a bit as she now had a slight...
  2. Alice Ripper

    Controlled, Altered, Deleted

    Gazet now angry and ready to rage, sat there with her arms crossed as she slowly recovered from the shock. Once she recovered she looked at the person trying to help her. "Thank you." She said kindly before she yelled out "You pitiful poor outlet. You already hate me?" She said rather angrily...
  3. Alice Ripper

    Controlled, Altered, Deleted

    "Just because you are book smart doesn't mean anything idiot. " She looked up and watched the code around her as she waited not very patiently but none the less waiting. "It's okay, calm your stuff." she looked away and murmured the word baka wishing they would all just either shut up or go away.
  4. Alice Ripper

    Controlled, Altered, Deleted

    Gazet rolled her eyes and gave a sigh, tired of this already she wanted to do something, she was awake now and she hated just being idle doing nothing. "What is taking you so freaking long anyways? I mean, you have us here you should have already had it all ready to go by the time we arrived. If...
  5. Alice Ripper

    Controlled, Altered, Deleted

    Gazet got really excited about the game, knowing the risks excited her. "You guys need to chill, it's just a game right? Just, try not to die." She loved games, games were always fun for her. She was up for anything. However some of the people around her seemed rather to be freaking out. She...
  6. Alice Ripper

    Controlled, Altered, Deleted

    Gazet smiled at the announcement, she had a humorous image pop into her head and it made her want to laugh. "You know it is only so they know when they have scared you so badly that you pee your pants." She joked and stood kind of walking around, kind of beginning to wonder if this could be...
  7. Alice Ripper

    Controlled, Altered, Deleted

    Gazet decided to ignore everything and play later she wanted to go back to sleep, she layed back down where she was and closed her eyes even though she knew she probably wouldn't get to sleep, but she wasn't in the mood to deal with everyone while they were trying to figure everything out, she...
  8. Alice Ripper

    Controlled, Altered, Deleted

    Gazet nodded as he gave her a short update about what was going on, she was still half asleep and she didnt rely care about much anything than maybe going back to sleep. "so experiment, sounds interesting, experementing can be fun." she said with no emotion in her voice, she looked around here...
  9. Alice Ripper

    Controlled, Altered, Deleted

    Gazet had missed most of the announcement but the idea of electric shock have her wild ideas that the others would probably hate her for having. " this sounds interesting, but umm i missed most of that, what all did he say?" Gazet said as she looked at the girl and smiled at how distraught she...
  10. Alice Ripper

    Controlled, Altered, Deleted

    Gazet was out of it like a light she was just so tired from the day before, but she was slightly unsure why, when someone decided to wake her up she blinked a little and woke up, she realized she had missed most of what was going on that morning, but she was okay with that. She was unsure of her...