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  1. Doc

    Idea Hostage Highschool: An idea I'd like some help in developing.

    Hi I'm Doc, and it's been a very long time since I've been a part of a group rp, or even helped in making one. I've returned to RPN after a year hiatus, and while digging through some of my workshop threads I found this unfinished idea I wanted to make into an RP. I think it has a lot potential...
  2. Doc

    Experiences what's the weirdest thing you've ever been asked to roleplay?

    Okay so about the taller girl thing, I've requested that from a partner before because the roleplay did require her to be taller. Since my character had a complex about being short, and it was part of the dynamic I wanted to create between the characters. The only reason I made the request is...
  3. Doc

    Experiences What Was Your First Roleplay Experience?

    Can I revive this thread? Lol My first Roleplay was two years ago on here and it was a modern superhero rp, with a bunch of 14-16 year olds playing. And Our GM like disappeared on us, so it was literally us running the rp without direction. And it lasted a surprisingly long time with us...
  4. Doc

    Other Is it Harder To Find A Partner Than It Used To Be???

    My schedule is kinda all over the place now, so I in my latest interest check I don't say much about time. The only thing I mention about age is that I play adult characters so I want my partner to play an adult as well. I went and looked back at the interests checks and noticed you were...
  5. Doc

    Other Is it Harder To Find A Partner Than It Used To Be???

    Lol wow. Thanks? I guess. I mean I haven't even gone back to look at my old interest checks myself. And that was a little aggressive. Lmao But I must say I appreciate the very blunt deconstruction of my interests checks.
  6. Doc

    Other Is it Harder To Find A Partner Than It Used To Be???

    I should give a little background. I joined and started roleplaying when I was 16 years old and now I'm 19. I distintly recall the ease with which I could post an interest check and have potential partners flooding in to be much higher, and I had some awful requests as a kid. It's been two years...
  7. Doc

    ☮ ❀ player positivity place ❀ ☮

    How surprising. I'm usually seen as a rather negative figure. lol
  8. Doc

    Worst RP partner you ever had.

    The ones build plots with and post the intro and they never reply. Or ones that message you that their interested and don't even make the character sheet before bailing.  I don't wanna call any names, so thats it. Cause there are a few partners I've had that did that. 
  9. Doc

    Culture Misappropriation

    Yeah. What he said. lol
  10. Doc

    Does any else find the public Asterisk/hypen Rpers cringey?

    Every community has a hierarchy or hierarchies, but I'm not gonna get too far off topic with that. Your point of "don't judge" is really impossible to achieve. Everyone judges others. This is a collection of humans from all over the world. Someone is going to be seen as less and someone is going...
  11. Doc

    Culture Misappropriation

    I haven't read these three pages worth of argumentative essays, so I don't know if this point has been brought up, but... It's just a name.  People make up fake names to make their characters individuals. I don't see the issue...
  12. Doc

    Culture Misappropriation

    lol I understood. My inner weeb, just had to come out and say something on that comment when I read it. XD. I like to identify as a fat redneck who lives at McDonalds, and only shops at Walmart, and uses phrases like Y'all, and git 'er done... (The last part of that isn't sarcasm, I'm from...
  13. Doc

    Culture Misappropriation

    Um it seriously is tho... 
  14. Doc

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    Black on Night Life... XD. 
  15. Doc

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    TIE LOCKS! If you don't know what that is, it's when you tie in your character with someone else's for a little while (like they have an encounter, or date, and start living together.) and then they leave in the middle of something, and the rest of the group continues playing, but you can't...
  16. Doc

    Hostage High School

    I'm here to see if I could actually make this into an RP, or Hosted Project or whatever. See if anyone thinks the idea could work, and if so, any advice on how I could go about executing something like this. Like just anything that y'all think would be necessary.  So here's the premise, or the...
  17. Doc

    Does any else find the public Asterisk/hypen Rpers cringey?

    That's actually a very decent point. I suppose in that I could loosen up how harsh I am against them. I never said that someone older would play better for a fact. That's an argument I've heard a lot here. "Older people can asterisk play too." Of course I know that. I'm just saying that the...
  18. Doc

    Does any else find the public Asterisk/hypen Rpers cringey?

    @nerdyfangirlThere's a large difference between lying and being condescending. They were clear in their point that they believed I contradicted myself. If they just wanted to call me a jerk, I could understand. I have come off as aggressive or uncouth here. So that sentiment I can completely...
  19. Doc

    Does any else find the public Asterisk/hypen Rpers cringey?

    I'm not sure which you're talking about, so I'll address both. @Karate Cat 1. The Title Click-bait? What? How was it click-bait? The title states my own opinion. I find it cringey. It makes me cringe. I at no point said, I didn't find it cringey. I never lied to anyone. My stance...
  20. Doc

    Does any else find the public Asterisk/hypen Rpers cringey?

    Uh yeah. I expected anyone who clicked on the conversation would be drawn in by understanding exactly what I was talking about. You'd post your opinion on it, because you understood what I was speaking about, and and had an opinion.  I even had a little joke speaking about if you didn't...