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  1. ZeeLeah19

    Fandom The witch and the beast

    Just watched the first episode of the witch and the beast series but I’ve read the manga and would really like to do an rp with the two main characters as me playing Guideau. If interested please pm me or comment below.
  2. ZeeLeah19

    Multiple Settings Random search

    Hello I am Zee Leah your basic Zee Goth here wanting to rp more. I have a few ideas which is will post below… Witch x Tyrant King Hiker x werewolf or vampire Band x civilian Twins x one person Biologist x humanoid found in a cave. Scientist x human experiment Princess x Dragon King Etc. If you...
  3. ZeeLeah19

    Multiple Settings I’m bored…

    There have been stories in a small town in the middle of no where, stories of a house hidden in the middle of the forest. Those who claimed to have traveled to find this house returned back paler than a ghost speaking of creatures that looked like wolves but also human chased them away from the...
  4. ZeeLeah19

    Fandom Rp Partner Search: Supernatural, Teen Wolf, The Walking Dead

    Hi are you willing to double? I can play stiles if you don’t mind playing Derek for me
  5. ZeeLeah19

    Multiple Settings The Rookie

    I am currently watching the rookie show and would kind of like to do a rp based in the show. As for romance I can try to play anybody for you as long as you don’t mind playing Tim Bradford for me.
  6. ZeeLeah19

    Multiple Settings Medieval Demon x Angel

    Send a pm
  7. ZeeLeah19

    Multiple Settings Medieval Demon x Angel

  8. ZeeLeah19

    Multiple Settings Medieval Demon x Angel

    Hey it’s Zee again, I have an idea of a unique romance roleplay.I only play female main characters but can play male side characters. Here it is: For centuries the humans fought demons trying to rid the world of the plague these other worldly creatures brought yet to no prevail over the...
  9. ZeeLeah19

    Fandom Just some fandoms and who I’m looking to be my romantic partner…

    Yes please this was my first anime and it will always be my favorite.
  10. ZeeLeah19

    Fandom Just some fandoms and who I’m looking to be my romantic partner…

    Really yay and sorry I don’t really have a set plot I just know I would like it to be based after the book of Atlantic