Search results for query: *

  1. Veni656

    Got a need to RP....1x1 Search! ^-^ (new pairings)

    brushes dust off, checks for cobwebs, checks levels of rust... heyo everyone...i'm back...after another long stint...looking for some rps to do... message? i've got nothing to do and an itch for an rp... If i Dissappeared on you from last time...I'm so ridiculously sorry i can't think of...
  2. Veni656

    Got a need to RP....1x1 Search! ^-^ (new pairings)

    bumpawonky! Mild update! I've returned and I'm looking for RPs! anything involving a werewolf(were-anything really) is off the table unless you want to be the werewolf Sorta craving something in the soul eater setting(I call dips on being a weapon)
  3. Veni656

    Rp partners wanted

    Werewolf/Vampire? I'm any plot plans? I care not who is m or f..I'll be either Vamp or Were
  4. Veni656

    Looking for long term partner/friend!

    Bonkabump! still looking for a partner? I've got some bits and pieces of an idea that we can flush out into a much more developed plot... again that is if you're still looking for a RP Partner
  5. Veni656

    1x1 Search

    demon x Demon hunter is that taken up?...I'm interested in other parings if it's taken
  6. Veni656

    Got a need to RP....1x1 Search! ^-^ (new pairings)

    ^(^-^)^ yay! any plot ideas? Desires?
  7. Veni656

    Got a need to RP....1x1 Search! ^-^ (new pairings)

    Yay!...Nope nobody's claimed those! Any preferences? I kno which two i looked at first but i wana know what you'd pick
  8. Veni656

    Got a need to RP....1x1 Search! ^-^ (new pairings)

    first of all is that a read or die chibi as you avatar? and un fortunately i'm already hammering out both of those pairings with other people...sorry *bows for forgiveness* were there others that interested you? again sorry your first choices were snatched up
  9. Veni656

    Got a need to RP....1x1 Search! ^-^ (new pairings)

    oh! other settings i forgot! broken down futuristic(think Firefly) post-apocalyptic (on occasion) Oh i should probably mention! I play males...don't think i can be a convincing girl
  10. Veni656

    Pairings MxF

    I be interested! send me a pm and we can discuss
  11. Veni656

    Got a need to RP....1x1 Search! ^-^ (new pairings)

    Hello everyone! So i'm going to get to the meat of this I'm pretty much looking for anything. I've got a bunch of pairings that i'll type out below. Donot let that stop you if you've got a pairing that you want to try out. I'm usually pretty open to stuff so give it a try if you're going for...
  12. Veni656

    Closed For The Moment

    I'd love to help you hammer out details if you want? even if you just wanna bounce ideas off of me
  13. Veni656

    Long-Term Partners! *Anime/Game Fandoms* Always Open!

    Any Room for a Soul Eater RP? I've tried a few times to get one started up couldn't find enough interest in my other forums
  14. Veni656

    Closed For The Moment

    oh sorry i didn't mean to snag the mer-folk role...but Pm incomming in a bit ^-^
  15. Veni656

    Looking for Roleplays! (Again)

    Alice in wonderland? Oh! Color me interested! if it's not taken...I had a fun corrupted Hatter in another forum im in...the RP has sadly stopped..i can pm a sample once i've broken the newbie-bot-blockade
  16. Veni656

    Closed For The Moment

    I'd love to, i made a mer-man character a while back that i loved being despite the very little I got to use him
  17. Veni656

    Closed For The Moment

    Aww i was intrigued by the mer-folk x Human one but someone's already dibs'd it! lucky Lexie However forest child and Other looks fun...mayhaps? if that's not taken either?