Search results for query: *

  1. Nyte

    Seeking detail oriented partner :)

    Bump :)
  2. Nyte

    Seeking detail oriented partner :)

    Hello! I am looking for a partner that posts decently detailed posts and also pays attention to the detail in my posts. So I guess someone who puts a little thought into their post before sending it. :) I can play male or female roles. My favorite genres are fantasy and supernatural with a...
  3. Nyte

    Looking for a Pokemon roleplay

    I'd be willing to do a Pokemon rp :)
  4. Nyte

    A Fantasy RP Plot Idea...

    I am also interested if you'd be willing to do a second story.
  5. Nyte

    I'll never have enough

    I could do the bad boy X good girl :)
  6. Nyte

    Romance 1-On-1 With Me..? (Just PM ☆)

    I'll have an idea if you're still looking for someone to rp with.
  7. Nyte

    Anyone in the mood for a dark supernatural rp?

    If you're still looking for someone I'd be game. :)
  8. Nyte

    Looking for partners for fairy tale spin offs.

  9. Nyte

    Looking for partners for fairy tale spin offs.

    Hello everyone! As stated above I am looking for others to join me in a couple of different 1x1s that are related to fairy tales (including Disney). Now I would like to make each of these stories our own so no need to pull and use characters straight from the stories and play them to a tee. Just...
  10. Nyte

    Angel/Demon roleplay - looking for male character

  11. Nyte

    Angel/Demon roleplay - looking for male character

    Hello! No matter how cliche it is I occasionally enjoy a good angel/demon roleplay. I was wanting someone to play a male angel/demon, your choice, and I would play a human girl. I had the plot idea of she's actually instrumental in the war between heaven and hell and each side wants to secure...
  12. Nyte

    Lost in Wonderland (need a male character)

    Hello, I have returned after a somewhat brief absence due to family issues, and am in need of a roleplay desperately! I have an idea that I thought would be fun for an Alice in Wonderland fan. A young boy and girl are childhood friends and often play together in a nearby forest. One day the...
  13. Nyte

    AngelxDemon craving

    If you are still looking I'm interested.
  14. Nyte

    Looking for long term partners

    I'm interested as well :)
  15. Nyte

    Looking for a long term RP (closed)

    This is now closed. Sorry everyone!
  16. Nyte

    Looking for a long term RP (closed)

    Hello all! As the title of the post states I am looking for a long term roleplay. I am needing a male character to be played. Please have some experience in playing a male role. Normally I am willing to accept people who are just trying out a new role but this one I'm going to be a wee bit...
  17. Nyte

    Birds of a Feather (looking for a male character)

    I was wanting to play a female character and prefer mxf roleplays. It's not set in stone though.
  18. Nyte

    Birds of a Feather (looking for a male character)

    Hello again, I am looking for someone to do an sort of experimental roleplay with me. It will have a race of avian people that are divided into clans according to what bird they are most closely related. Examples are: The people who relate to parrots have brightly colored wings, hair and...
  19. Nyte

    Spirited Away the Later Years (LFM)

  20. Nyte

    Active 1x1 RP Plox

    Central standard.