Search results for query: *

  1. Monique

    Seeking partners of all types!

    @Sherlockian - Definitely interested in the teenage superheros plot! I'll pm you soon with details! Think about what direction you want to take it in. @Blarg222 - Love to do teenage superheros with you too! I'll pm you soon with details. Think about what direction you want to take it in...
  2. Monique

    Seeking partners of all types!

    @DisneyGirl - That sounds amazing. PM me with some ideas and we'll brainstorm for there!
  3. Monique

    Seeking partners of all types!

    @Kloverdesu - That sounds great! I would love to do a happy fluffy roleplay (I love happy endings). Think about what kind of storylines or settings you would like to do. I'll pm you later tonight. @JustSmile - All the Dead students is okay with me! Do you want to do a murder mystery, romance...
  4. Monique

    Seeking partners of all types!

  5. Monique

    {One}x{One}---|Historical Craving. {^_^}

    I used to read a lot of historicals. I was the kind of kid growing up who would see a historical and say, "Well, time to read that this weekend" though most of it was regency romances and WW2 books. I like speculative stuff, but historical has this... cool air about it. When you have a plot in...
  6. Monique

    {One}x{One}---|Historical Craving. {^_^}

    @Wicked Temptaion - I know about Victorian too! I guess they kind of merged in my mind as well. Would you like to do a Victorian arranged marriage roleplay? Since you know a bit more about the time period then me I'd be depending on you to guide me to a good idea to go with it!
  7. Monique

    Cunning Commander's Shameless Self-Promotion Thread!

    Cool! I'm up for anything listed. You can pick! I look forward to roleplaying with you!
  8. Monique

    Romance Partner Search, I'm on a role! (ignore post count!)

    Hi! I'm interested in a bully x bullied or a serial killer x boyfriend/girlfriend. If you're interested I'd like to get in touch!
  9. Monique

    Cunning Commander's Shameless Self-Promotion Thread!

    Hi Cunning Commander! I'm interested in the mage's academy plot you mentioned, as well as the Matthias Graye plot. Also Attack on Titan. Are you interested in pursuing any of those?
  10. Monique

    {One}x{One}---|Historical Craving. {^_^}

    Hi Izzy! I noticed that you are interested in an arranged marriage roleplay (royal is okay too). I never thought to roleplay that before and it sounds exciting. I'd also be up for a Life With Derek (how often is that an option? Ha) or a modern Romeo and Juliet. My historical leanings are a bit...