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  1. ManonX

    lokking for a rp buddy

    If you're still looking for one more RP partner I'd be down! :) Just PM me :D
  2. ManonX

    Ever After High ('cause I'm cool)

    I really like the concept of the show, and would really love to do this with someone! Open and willing to play along with me! ^-^
  3. ManonX

    In Need of a/some 1 x 1 Partner(s)!

    Ive been gone for quite some time, but I really would like to get back into the Role Playing world! Helps me forget about everything! There are a few things I would prefer in a partner; Semi-literal-- I'm not a fan of 'text' role plays. I prefer writing with as much detail as possible(...
  4. ManonX

    Wanting to do a Pacific Rim RP!

    OHHH okay lol
  5. ManonX

    Wanting to do a Pacific Rim RP!

  6. ManonX

    Wanting to do a Pacific Rim RP!

  7. ManonX

    Wanting to do a Pacific Rim RP!

    @R4 C9 -- Sounds like a plan to me! I'll let you know by tomorrow if no one answers :) & Thanks!@R4 C9 -- no one has replied to it yet :c
  8. ManonX

    Some ideas and fandoms in mind!

    Sure thing! ^^
  9. ManonX

    Wanting to do a Pacific Rim RP!

    Hey there! I've been really hopping to do an RP based off of this movie, now, the plot can be talked about between the two of us! BUT-- I do have some things I'd like for you to keep in mind! 1) I'd prefer to keep it in either third person or second person. 2)At least a paragraph or two! (...
  10. ManonX

    Some ideas and fandoms in mind!

    I'm interested in doing an RP with you! :)
  11. ManonX

    Looking for adventure RP partners

    @Vex Kuma -- PM me! :D
  12. ManonX

    Looking for adventure RP partners

    I"m up for the challenge! :D
  13. ManonX

    Wanting to role play 1x1 :]

    @jinx 13 -- Sure thing! PM me? :)
  14. ManonX

    Wanting to role play 1x1 :]

    @Toxic Melony Ishtar -- Sounds good to me! Just post whenever you can :) Hey! Sorry I didn't see your message until now! But I'd love to to an RP with you! PM me when you can :D and we can talk details! I love your ideas! :)
  15. ManonX

    Wanting to role play 1x1 :]

    @Nico -- I wish! But because I'm new it doesn't give me that option! >.< Just Pm me when you're ready :)
  16. ManonX

    Wanting to role play 1x1 :]

    @Nico -- Sure! I haven't watched Digimon in a long time! But sure why not! :) PM me? :)
  17. ManonX

    Wanting to role play 1x1 :]

    @Toxic Melony Ishtar -- that sounds good to me! haha, do you want to make the thread? :)
  18. ManonX

    Wanting to role play 1x1 :]

    @Toxic Melony Ishtar -- Nahh, I'm really up for anything :) !
  19. ManonX

    Wanting to role play 1x1 :]

    @Toxic Melony Ishtar -- Ah damn! haha, I'm to new too D: We can just talk on here and then get a plot line figured out :) and then start our RP on a thread or something! haha (I have a friend that goes on here and she's helping me haha)
  20. ManonX

    Wanting to role play 1x1 :]

    @Toxic Melony Ishtar - I'm up for anything as well! If you want PM me, and we can talk details? :)