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  1. Lost Martian

    Multiple Settings Lost Martian is trying to find a 1x1 RP

    Bumping this.
  2. Lost Martian

    Multiple Settings Lost Martian is trying to find a 1x1 RP

    Bump. Lots of concepts still unclaimed.
  3. Lost Martian

    Multiple Settings Lost Martian is trying to find a 1x1 RP

    Taking those to PM. Is anyone else interested? Still have plenty of ideas available.
  4. Lost Martian

    Multiple Settings Lost Martian is trying to find a 1x1 RP

    @Hell0NHighWater both of those would be fine! Do you have a preference? As I don’t really have a preference right now. @Extra123 I’m totally down for doing my Mega Man idea. Since you’re playing a Reploid, I was thinking of doing a Human who is the grandchild of Dr. Light, or something similar...
  5. Lost Martian

    Multiple Settings Lost Martian is trying to find a 1x1 RP

    Hello I’m Lost Martian, a member returning after a hiatus. It’s been awhile since I’ve done any 1x1 roleplaying but I would like to give it a try again. I’m a Cis Male, but I am comfortable playing any kind of character or relationship, whether that be male, female, non-binary, aliens, or...
  6. Lost Martian

    Multiple Settings Lost Martian's Collection of Plot Ideas

    Bump. Is anyone interested?
  7. Lost Martian

    Multiple Settings Lost Martian's Collection of Plot Ideas

    Bump again. For any of the fandoms I included in my plot ideas, I would be willing to do other plots in the same setting. So if you have a Marvel, Gundam, Star Wars, whatever, idea that you would like to do, let me know and we can work something out.
  8. Lost Martian

    Multiple Settings Lost Martian's Collection of Plot Ideas

    Bump. Just a new guy looking for someone to RP with.
  9. Lost Martian

    Multiple Settings Lost Martian's Collection of Plot Ideas

    Hello, I’m Lost Martian, a fairly recent new member to the site. I’ve done 1x1 RPs before on different sites, but not in awhile. So I’m itching to try it again. I can play either Male, Female, Alien being, whatever. Also playing multiple characters is fine. As for romance, I don’t like it being...