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  1. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Klance partner search

    not at all! I'm always looking for klance rps!
  2. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom BNHA rp

    hi! I would love to help you out with your muse for sure, pm me and we can work stuff out to get started!
  3. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom BNHA rp

    Hey there! I'm looking for someone to do a bnha rp with because I've recently fallen back in love with the series! I think I would like to do something centered around either a Bakugo/Izuku ship or Shoto/Izuku (I don't have much experience with rping these characters, but I feel most...
  4. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Klance: Looking for a Lance

    Yeah I’d love to do that with you! Just pm me when you get a chance!
  5. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Klance: Looking for a Lance

    THANK YOU! Okay cool! Pm me when you get a chance and we can work out the basic plot/character division if we plan to use the rest of the cast at any point
  6. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Klance: Looking for a Lance

    Hi yeah I'm looking for a Lance rper again. I have some plot ideas so I'm just going to put them down there and if anyone's interested either comment here or pm me. No pressure to use these if you've got an idea you'd like to toss into the mix! -Galra Keith and Altean Lance I'm a sucker for...
  7. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Klance anyone?

    Sure man! pm me with 'em :)
  8. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Klance anyone?

    aww yiss my dude! pm me and we can talk more?
  9. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Klance anyone?

    Hello! I'm looking for a voltron buddy, specifically for Klance centered plots (because I'm garbage) but of course I'm totally okay with including the rest of the cast because the more characters we've got involved with the plot, the richer the story tends to be. I'm very used to rping as Keith...
  10. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Klance partner search

    lol sure, no worries!
  11. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Klance partner search

    Sweet! should we talk more in depth about stuff in pms?
  12. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Klance partner search

    Hey there! I'm currently looking for someone to rp klance with (I need a Lance rper) I'm really looking for someone who is willing to do a more angst driven plot. I'm very open to ideas about how this could be achieved.
  13. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Looking for Voltron!

    Hey I don't know if this is still a thing you want to do, but I'm always down for some klance
  14. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Looking for a warrior cat buddy

    Hey there! I have recently been dragged back into my love for the series and I really want to return to role playing original cats with someone who shares my love for the books! I hope to find someone who is long term and wants to world build with me :) I'm willing and excited to create entirely...
  15. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom Voltron RP? [Keith x Lance ROMANCE]

    Hey there friend! I also really like Klance! If you feel like trying a rp with me I'm all for it :) Just PM me or something and we can talk about plot and characters
  16. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom looking for a Hamilton for a LAMS rp

    God bless you, child! Can you pm me so we can work out details and start?
  17. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fandom looking for a Hamilton for a LAMS rp

    I'm so thirsty please help. I had one of these going a while ago but my Hamilton went inactive so I'm looking to start a new one with someone who's interested in the ship! I really don't have a plot in my head but I have some small ideas and we could figure out what we want together if you'd...
  18. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fantasy Looking for partner 1x1

    I don't know, I didn't know what I was doing
  19. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fantasy Looking for partner 1x1

    PM me and we can talk about it ^^
  20. ChaiTeaWarrior

    Fantasy Looking for partner 1x1

    I'm looking for someone to Rp with me. The plot I have in mind is set in a college setting. It centers around character A who has gotten involved with police in an effort to stop campus drug dealing by getting close to suspected dealer and getting drugs from them to prove they're selling...