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  1. The Nerevarine

    Other Longest video game you've spent time on

    Mount and Blade Warband....the napoleonic Wars DLC is the most addictive thing ever.
  2. The Nerevarine

    Other The pains of username changes!

    Well one of my favorite historical figures is Feng Yuxiang, so TheChristianWarlord would be a dank Chinese history related name =).
  3. The Nerevarine

    What video game character do think you're most like and why?

    The Burned man from Fallout New Vegas, because I also was set on fire and thrown into the Grand Canyon. But seriously, I have no clue D=
  4. The Nerevarine

    Other What would you do with $1Mil

    Build a mansion on St. Kitts or some other nice island. Probably a small mansion with one mil, but who cares at that point lol.
  5. The Nerevarine

    Food Best breakfast food?

    Waffles and Bacon. Of course I'm too lazy to get up and cook that in the mornings so what i have in reality is much different. But Waffles and bacon are my food of choice whenever I eat at a place that has them.