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  1. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Our Mythology Interest Check

    Oh, i'm interested, it sounds great
  2. A Simple Egg

    Realistic or Modern Fall of Superheroes

    Ok, nice, thanks for that and don't feel rushed man, the ones that take longer are usually the best. And you have the right to be authoritarian about it, your running the show on this one. Would it be possible for Phase to be a villain? I don't really care about being a hero or a villain, like...
  3. A Simple Egg

    Realistic or Modern Fall of Superheroes

    This looks real good, could you add me to the tag list once the threads up? Also, would the heroes from the Pleasent City team be open? If yes could I reserve Phase?
  4. A Simple Egg

    Realistic or Modern Take Me Out

    Yes please :) , nice concept
  5. A Simple Egg

    Realistic or Modern The Purge: Senior Year

    Oh, I'm interested. Please tag me when you have the thread up :)
  6. A Simple Egg

    Realistic or Modern /Detailed: Cat Cafe

    Thank you everyone, i really didn't think anyone would want to participate in this since it's a rather different subject but turns out I was wrong :)
  7. A Simple Egg

    Realistic or Modern /Detailed: Cat Cafe

    I've already got a thread up for this, so if you show interest I will tag you :)
  8. A Simple Egg

    Realistic or Modern /Detailed: Cat Cafe

    Yes, it's the Cat Cafe role play no one asked for and no one really wanted either. Plot "A hush falls across the less than crowded crowd, made mostly of family members and tourists with nothing better to do. Slow, deliberate but slightly shaky movements control the hands, your hands...
  9. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Save the Universe...?

    You had me on celestial lesbians, i'm in
  10. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Time Dial

    Nice thanks, I've been looking for something else to watch, but it's probably not on Netflix for me so I'll have to do some digging. And yeah, I'm Aussie. Wow it's good to finally be in sorta the same time zone as someone, what timezone are you in?
  11. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Time Dial

    Hey @Uxie what's your icon thingymabob from?
  12. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Time Dial

    ...remind me to never trust you with my life... Well anyway enjoy hitting the metal, i'm gonna go get some much needed sleep. But don't you expect any, someone's gotta hit this metal. And a HIT 2 3 4 HIT 2 3 4 Good night
  13. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Time Dial

    ...dude the whole soul thing was kinda the point in that...but yeah it's friggin expensive. Won't be getting any slaves...or anything really shipped to me anytime soon. And so, i apologize, but i'm gonna have to give hitting this damn metal a break.
  14. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Time Dial

    To Australia it's like your entire soul. And your best friends, your neighbors and your entire family's. And 50 bucks
  15. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Time Dial

    ...uh no? I'm not giving Amazon any of my cats (cause let's face it, kids will never be an option), and it's my house! Well, my parents, but still! And that's not even including shipping!
  16. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Time Dial

    Unfortunately, my poor deprived country has no Walmart. So I suppose I'll just have to keep hitting the metal....and hitting...and hitting...oh god my poor hand...and hitting...
  17. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Time Dial

    I can't hit the metal anymore, my hands getting sore. Both of them.
  18. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Time Dial

    @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed This seems like your kinda thing, you interested?
  19. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy START

    Hey, I'd be very interested in this, if it's still open of course. Has a thread already been set up?
  20. A Simple Egg

    Fantasy Time Dial

    And you have officially earned my respect. Seriously man, if I ever try to use them I'll probably break the site