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  1. Skyeheart666

    Fandom Hidden Society

    Hidden away in the center of a ring of impossibly high mountains, there's a small town. The homes are well built, though the biggest one is two stories high and the smallest is a glorified doghouse. Who lives here? Well, there's a variety of people. There are a few humans that are all scientists...
  2. Skyeheart666

    Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

    Fenris raised her head when Tanami walked into the room, sticking her tongue out at him. "Why don't you shut it, you stupid cat with a stupid name?" She would then pick up the tank, sticking her tongue out at Tanami before turning and walking out of the kitchen, mumbling loving words to the mice...
  3. Skyeheart666

    Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

    Fenris hummed quickly as she walked into the kitchen, carrying her tank of mice. She set the tank on the counter, grabbing some cheese from the fridge and tearing it into pieces, dropping each piece to a different mouse in her mouse tank. "One day, I'll be mean enough to eat you all. For now...
  4. Skyeheart666

    Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

    Skittering sounded through the lower levels of the mansion, the basement a perfect home for many small creatures. One larger creature stalked through the halls, hunting the smaller animals called mice. Around corners, the flick of a white lion tail could be see, chasing after the sounds of mouse...