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  • Users: KingTiger
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  1. KingTiger

    Realistic or Modern Western Front WW2 Tank RP

    With the Allied victory at Normandy, German forces scramble to defend their newly won French territory. Can the Germans beat back the Americans? Start date is August 1944. All tanks from both sides that were created by August 1944 are available.
  2. KingTiger

    Futuristic Department 7

    "Whoever these guys are, they do like to be trolls." Retro continues down the street and sees a group of people about to head into the Department 7 building. "Well I guess I'll follow them in to see if I can find out why Department 7 would even want to message me." He casually walks towards the...
  3. KingTiger

    Futuristic Department 7

    As Retro Walks through central London, he notices that a multitude of people are staring at him. He takes no note of this until a little girl asks him if he is conscious. Then he realized that fully sentient AI is not common, even in London. The mother quickly pulls the girl away and apologizes...
  4. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: (As the fighters come into sight, Retro's pulse is through the roof) "Alright...this is what you have been trained for...just engage the engines, and shoot at the enemies." (The fighters start shooting at the battleship) " I go." (Retro engages engines into full power...
  5. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: (Puts helmet back on) "it's time to rock and roll."
  6. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: "Maybe, I'll go out and dogfight. Just don't leave without me."
  7. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: "We'll be relying on the shields if the guns aren't accurate enough."
  8. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: "Hmm at this speed. the fighters would get a few shots off at us before we can escape."
  9. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: "We really should get back and tell them what happened. If we don't have support we might die."
  10. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: "Let's just hope they don't send an entire fighter battalion at us... heh."
  11. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: (Dreadnought 3 gets hit by 2 lasers in the weapons bay. Ultimately getting cut in half) "OOOOOHHHH!!! That was awesome. oh right, the fighter. Right wing gone, Left engine doesn't work."
  12. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: (The dreadnought scrapes the bottom of the battleship) "Oh thank god. So... uh... that never happened... k?"
  13. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: (One beam hits the cockpit directly, throwing the dreadnought out of control, another beam hits the engines, throwing it out of control even more. In a crash course with the Battleship.) "HUG ME!!!"
  14. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: "Let me look at a map of the factions..." (Finds map) "They want to split the factions apart so they are the strongest one!"
  15. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: "They are the Militaristic type, remember? THATS THE WHOLE F***ING REASON WE ARE PATROLLING OUT HERE!!!"
  16. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: "Who said I attacked? I saw a laser shoot out right next to me and i yelled for help."
  17. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: (As he is rushed through the door to the angry captain's corners. Literally that's what the workers call it.) "Hey! What The F*** Just F***ING Happened!?!?!?
  18. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: "Don't f***ing touch me, I'm fine!" (Hears an explosion) "What the-" (Fire blasts through the corridor into the hanger) "WHAT THE-"
  19. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: (tractor beam pulls the fighter in) "Thank GOD I'm safe."
  20. KingTiger

    Futuristic Galactic War

    Retro: (Dreadnought 2 manages to evade the first volley and shoots out the right wing of the fighter) "WHY ME!!!"