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  1. CharChar45

    Futuristic Project Griffin: The RP (Official IC)

    Blades groaned as Abel dozed off on her lap, a machete strapped to her back. It was the weapon she requested when promoted, and it was a damn find blade. It would help her take down machines with more ease as well. She still had her small shotgun, of course, but melee weapons were much more her...
  2. CharChar45

    Futuristic Project Griffin: The RP (Official IC)

    Blades huffed and grinned as she leaned back in her chair, resting her hands behind her head. "Cakewalk," she commented, in regards to the previous mission, "Corporal Blades... I like it. It has a nice ring to it." She chuckled slightly, grinning as she popped a piece of bread into her mouth...
  3. CharChar45

    Futuristic Project Griffin: The RP (Official IC)

    Blades winced as she was hit, staggering back slightly from the impact. She quickly shook it off, narrowing her eyes and watching the automan in front of her carefully. She abruptly lunged forward, moving to strike her blade into the side of the machine, aiming her shotgun at another and pulling...
  4. CharChar45

    Futuristic Project Griffin: The RP (Official IC)

    Blades narrowed her eyes as the automans appeared in front of her, tilting her head to the side as the music beat steadily in her ears. In one swift movement, she pulled out her small shotgun with one hand, and her throwing knives tucked into her belt with the other. There was no hesitation as...
  5. CharChar45

    Futuristic Project Griffin: The RP (Official IC)

    Blades grinned wickedly, pulling back her trench coat to reveal the shot gun hidden under the leather. "Don't worry Capt," she said cockily, "I got this." With that, she smoothly pulled up her hood to conceal her face and jumped out of the ship quietly and gracefully. She landed on the ground...
  6. CharChar45

    Futuristic Project Griffin: The RP (Official IC)

    Wren nodded in agreement. "Someone will need to pull any guards away from the statue, then I can go up and strap the bomb onto it." "I can handle that," Blades responded, grinning as she patted the knives at her side. "I'm fairly good at causing a ruckus."
  7. CharChar45

    Futuristic Project Griffin: The RP (Official IC)

    "Casualty is apart of war." Wren spoke from the wall of the craft, her voice thick with a Russian accent, "Get used to it." Dynamite was strapped around her waist, along with other tools to create explosives on the fly. A heavy gun was strapped to her back as well, with a string of ammo wrapped...
  8. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    Dove wished everyone would just stop arguing. She leaned quietly against the wall, able to hear every word between Dru and Alex. She found out about Kalin long ago, and she felt terrible about it, especially since he saved her life. If she hadn't been unconscious, maybe there could of been some...
  9. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    ((Ok, thanks!)) Dove leaned against the wall, sighing as she listened to the conversations around her about who should rule. In all honesty, she didn't really care who ruled. It was what it was.
  10. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    ((Holy shit. What all has happened? Sorry I keep poofing))
  11. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    ((Holy crap. I leave for a day and come back to a gazillion responses with a whole bunch of shit O.o )) Dove winced, her eyes slowly fluttering open as she pushed herself up. She felt much better then she had before, though her side still hurt like a bitch. Slowly standing, she looked to the...
  12. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    Ignoring Kalin's advice, Dove tried to stand again, just to collapse once more, this time her vision going black. ((Aaand doves gonna be unconscious all day cause I'm going to six flags :3))
  13. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    Dove couldn't help but scream in pain as he pressed his burning fingers against her wound, her whole body trembling in pain as tears streamed down her cheeks. She wanted to do nothing more then to black out right then and there, but she couldn't. Not in the middle of a battle. "I-i can fight..."...
  14. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    "T-that would b-be helpful..." Dove said weakly, barely processing anything else he said. She couldn't even process what was going on around her and was completely oblivious to the giant glacier heading their way.
  15. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    Dove panted, her vision blurry as she swayed looking up to the two forms in front of her. Luna and... Kalin she thought...
  16. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    Dove could barely think. Everything hurt too much, the ice digging into her flesh, blood seeping through her clothes. She tried to stand, just to collapse again, gritting her teeth in frustration. Dammit... she couldn't just sit here!
  17. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    "WATCH OUT!" Dove yelled as she saw the beam approach their group. Unfortunately, she didn't see the spikes, and she yelped as one pierced her already injured side a cry of pain passing her lips. "F-fuck!" She raised her arms to shield herself from the other spikes, too tired and hurt to think...
  18. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    "T-THE S-S-SOURCE OF THE B-BLIZZARD... W-WE NEED TO F-FOCUS ON T-THAT!" By now Dove was shivering badly, the only thing keeping her slightly warm being the blood seeping from her wound. She couldn't think. She couldn't see. And now she could barely breathe. Rikka... They had to find Rikka and...
  19. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    Dove yelped as they hit the snow, rolling to the side. The blizzard was blinding. The wind was defeaning. All she could see was a blur of white in front of her. She had no weapons, losing both her swords and her dagger long ago. And she had no idea if anyone was around her, or what was around...
  20. CharChar45

    Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

    "What?!" Dove yelled, unable to hear him over the roar of the storm, "I can't hear you!"