Search results for query: *

  1. Antisocial

    Realistic or Modern Down the Rabbit hole

    Bailey O'Connell (Sorry it took so long, had major writers block and this is what I came up with) Bailey turned the engine of her car off, although technically it wasn't her car it was her Father's and she was borrowing it but no one else had to know that. She eyed up the house and mentally...
  2. Antisocial

    Realistic or Modern Darkness - The Horror Story

    Addison Martinez "Hi?" .. "I'm Gabe. Are this-What is this?" Well isn't that the million dollar question, "Hey Gabe, I would say nice to meet you know and I have no idea what this is...unless we're all dead or insane." She realized that he was much closer than the other...
  3. Antisocial

    Realistic or Modern Darkness - The Horror Story

    Addison Martinez "Uh... I d-don't know if this is helpful at all, but I'm over here... uh, probably a few feet ahead of you... or behind you, I can't tell which way you're facing. C-can you see at all?" Addison let out a shaky breath, she tried to orientate herself towards the noise, she turned...
  4. Antisocial

    Realistic or Modern Darkness - The Horror Story

    Addison Martinez "H-Hello?" Addison didn't know what to do, if this was really a nightmare then going to the mysterious voice was a surefire way to make this whole situation more terrifying. But if this all was real then she really didn't want to be alone and if they were real that would mean...
  5. Antisocial

    Realistic or Modern Darkness - The Horror Story

    Addison Martinez Addison walked down the street to her house, she eyed up their front lawn distastefully; litter was strewn everywhere and their fence was crooked and practically falling over in some places. She knew that their house was better than most in the street but it wasn't somewhere...
  6. Antisocial

    Realistic or Modern Darkness - The Horror Story

    Addison made her way through the mine-field that was the school hallways, everyone was pushing and shoving to try and get out of school first which meant that the hallways were too busy and noisy for her liking. She hurried to her locker and grabbed her bag and textbooks, she slung her red...
  7. Antisocial

    Fantasy Wolves Among Us (Accepting)

    Matei Lup "Nice to meet you then Malin." Matei shot him a warm smile, "We have bacon, eggs, toast and probably a bunch of other stuff." He shoved some bacon and scrambled eggs onto a plate and put it on the counter closest to Malin. He silently hoped that his sister had made the right decision...
  8. Antisocial

    Fantasy Wolves Among Us (Accepting)

    Maylea Lup "Well that's good then." Maylea commented, at least she knew she was coming out of the situation intact now, "Then feel free to come inside, it's just wolves inside..albeit mainly in their human forms...not exactly the biggest fan of that part...but it's warm and there's plenty of...
  9. Antisocial

    Fantasy Wolves Among Us (Accepting)

    (Sorry for taking so long, found Maylea's bit hard to write as I'm not really used to writing wolves and wasn't sure where to draw the line of wolf/human. As far as I could tell there was no-one else in the cabin,) Maylea Lup Maylea paused, unsure if she should go find the wolf alone or get...
  10. Antisocial

    Fantasy Wolves Among Us (Accepting)

    (Didn't know we'd started, don't timezones suck. Will try and post some form of catchup post. Not too happy with it but it's just so i'm at the same point timewise as everyone else.) Matei Lup Matei had to admit that beds were definitely more comfortable than the ground, as much as his sister...
  11. Antisocial

    Realistic or Modern Zombies O_o ((Always Open!))

    (Sorry for the late reply, I fell asleep due to not getting much this week so sorry if my posts are rubbish, I'm half-asleep as thanks to school I haven't had more than 10 hours sleep this week.) Mason Everett Mason took a deep breath to try and calm himself down, now the adrenaline was starting...
  12. Antisocial

    Realistic or Modern Zombies O_o ((Always Open!))

    Sam Adams Sam shifted his weight anxiously from foot to foot as he waited on the train, his sister was waiting for him at St Mary's and he was already around an hour later than he thought he would be. The traffic into the city had been crazy because of the riots, at first it had started out as...