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  1. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Let's Explore a Haunted Mansion! (with *SUPERPOWERS*)

    ~Felicity Lark~ Location: Front Entrance of Manor Form: Human (No added abilities) Felicity smiled at Emile in acknowledgement, and tapped a finger on her chin in thought. "It's nice to meet you, Alec, Emile. I do agree, it's unusual, to say the least. You don't think there's...
  2. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Let's Explore a Haunted Mansion! (with *SUPERPOWERS*)

    ~Felicity Lark~ Location: Front Entrance of Manor Form: Human (No added abilities) Felicity smiled as one of the other people in the house greeted her. "I'm assuming the two of you are friends, then?" She laughed. "I'm Felicity, by the way, and you are...?" Her eyes wandered about the...
  3. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Let's Explore a Haunted Mansion! (with *SUPERPOWERS*)

    ~Felicity Lark~ Location: Outside Manor Form: Human (No added abilities) Felicity decided things were about to get fun, so she headed outside, stopping for a moment before changing back into her human self. She would have just done it inside, but she's had many a time where her friends...
  4. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Let's Explore a Haunted Mansion! (with *SUPERPOWERS*)

    ~Felicity Lark~ Location: Front Hall of the Manor Form: Ginger Cat (Enhanced Eyesight, Hearing, Speed, Agility, Stealth) Felicity noticed a second group enter through the door, three people. She was surprised that so many people seemed to be coming here tonight. The more the merrier...
  5. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Let's Explore a Haunted Mansion! (with *SUPERPOWERS*)

    ~Felicity Lark~ Location: Front Hall of the Manor Form: Ginger Cat (Enhanced Eyesight, Hearing, Speed, Agility, Stealth) Felicity couldn't help the small rush of excitement that ran through her as the group entered the house. It was just as picturesque as she had expected; dark, musty...
  6. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Let's Explore a Haunted Mansion! (with *SUPERPOWERS*)

    (Sure, even though she's a cat right now.)
  7. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Let's Explore a Haunted Mansion! (with *SUPERPOWERS*)

    ~Felicity Lark~ Location: Front Entrance of the Manor Form: Ginger Cat (Enhanced Eyesight, Hearing, Speed, Agility, Stealth) Felicity continued to wander around, looking for anything cool or interesting around the outside of the manor. She couldn't really see much out of the ordinary...
  8. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Let's Explore a Haunted Mansion! (with *SUPERPOWERS*)

    ~Felicity Lark~ Location: Front Yard of the Manor Form: Ginger Cat (Enhanced Eyesight, Hearing, Speed, Agility, Stealth)   A small ginger cat with gleaming emerald eyes leapt from wall to fence and back again, occasionally jumping silently onto the pavement to stroll for a few...
  9. A Mysterious Figure

    Futuristic Sotiris~ A Space Odyssey [Main Thread]

    "Fascinating..." C.A.R.A. murmured as she listened to the Geldak describe itself a little more and tell its story. As it moved towards her and lay in front of her, instead of moving away, she leaned closer, examining its body and movements, every detail committing itself to her hard drive. This...
  10. A Mysterious Figure

    Futuristic Sotiris~ A Space Odyssey [Main Thread]

    The information transfer was short, and C.A.R.A. felt disappointed when all she received was the creatures name, a few small details about its abilities (which she had already seen with her own eyes, so that data was basically obsolete) and its body structure, composition, and measurements...
  11. A Mysterious Figure

    Futuristic Sotiris~ A Space Odyssey [Main Thread]

    C.A.R.A. gasped as she caught sight of the creature, something she had never seen the likes of before in her short lifespan. She simply had to find out more about it, and began to scan it, even as it threw energy balls, one of which was heading straight for herself and the man named Logan. She...
  12. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy The Last Flicker (Open/Accepting)

    ~Gaia Crete~ Gaia rolled over in her bed, stretching her arms out fully above her head. "What time is it?" she mumbled to herself lifting her head slightly before dropping it back onto the pillow in defeat. "Never mind..." she whispered, already starting to drift off again.   "It's...
  13. A Mysterious Figure

    Futuristic Sotiris~ A Space Odyssey [Main Thread]

    C.A.R.A. ended up heading to her room, interested to see what her quarters would be like. She didn't have much in the way of personal possessions, as she didn't usually require food and water, considering the faux blood and organs inside her were both for show and for sustenance. She knew that...
  14. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Spirits of the Dedale

    "Oh, wow... I thank you most kindly, I am forever in your debt. I will make leave of you know, it was lovely to meet you," Aria said, amazed at the power she had just received. She smiled, and quickly ducked out of the cave, heading back to the edge of the lake, holding onto the amulet tightly...
  15. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Spirits of the Dedale

    Aria looked around, confused. "W-What do I do? Is this amulet magic of some sort?" she asked, unsure of what she was supposed to be doing. The crabs looked very eerie yet sacred in their dance, and while Aria was entranced by this, she was also quite nervous. What did this amulet mean?
  16. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Spirits of the Dedale

    Aria nodded, and carefully placed the amulet around her neck. It felt smooth and cool against her neck, and she rather liked it. "Thank you very much for this," she said.
  17. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy Spirits of the Dedale

    Aria took the pendant, very happy with her new possession, and even more so that she had managed to find these crabs. "Thank you most kindly, I am so very grateful for this wonderful gift. It is beautiful, might I ask what I should do with it to use it correctly?" She asked.
  18. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy The Supernatural Kingdoms

    "Um, very well. Maera will show you out," Iris said, more than a little annoyed at the guards abruptness and lack of courteousness. He literally just picked Tempest up and left with her! She shook her head, and gestured for Maera, who was standing outside the door, to show the guests to the...
  19. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy The Supernatural Kingdoms

    Iris sighed again, noticing her cousins angry expression. She wished she could get along better with her, after all, she was one of the only companions she had here, but they had completely different goals and ideals about life, and as a result they clashed so constantly. She turned back to Soma...
  20. A Mysterious Figure

    Fantasy The Supernatural Kingdoms

    "Cousin?"   Iris sighed slightly. It was Seraphina, obviously running about the palace again, not doing what she was told. Iris liked her cousin well enough, but she often found herself wishing that she would just sit still, dress nicely and act like a true member of the royal family for...