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  1. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    Rohana looked directly into Sol’s eyes and gave a small nod. “My Mother and Father died during the rebellion our village had against the Council and Priestess. I was too young to remember. My Grandmother on the other hand was found out to be a necromancer and refused to go with them and was...
  2. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    A smile crossed Rohana’s face while listening to Sol talk about her connection. All the necromancer knew about religion was twisted and horrendous in comparison to what she had just been told. Gods and religion seemed to cause more pain here. More than what they were worth in Rohana’s opinion...
  3. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    Closing the door, Rohana could sense the emotion radiating from her usually much tamer friend. It was odd to say the least but very welcomed. Sol’s smile was infectious and a smile beamed from Rohana in return. “I do have the flasks of water. Eight of them, in fact,” she walked over to the table...
  4. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    Rohana made her way to the small merchant store in the heart of Armagh. It usually did not get much business except from the hunters who went out to hunt the wolves and other animals around the town. Was one of the few ways of making money, really. When a trader did come through, they usually...
  5. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    Glancing over at Sol, Rohana listened to her give a rather small list of what she would like. One item, and it was flasks of water? Really? “Flasks of water. Simple enough,” she nodded while making a mental note to get the requested item. The Necromancer made her way to the living room and...
  6. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    Rohana nodded. The night would be the best time to examine the location, because during the day they would need to pull it off without much error. "If a guard catches you, then you best run into the woods and hope they do not find you there. I do not have the energy or the resources to bring you...
  7. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    Rohana simply nodded when she was thanked for the food. This woman was very polite, something not too common around Armagh. Not that people were constantly rude per se, but they usually say very little and ‘thank you’ was not in their typical vocabulary. She had to admit, this behavior was a...
  8. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    Apparently, Sol was already focused on the task before them. All ready to go out there and get going on her mission. Not that it was unexpected, but Rohana had hoped to at least finish breakfast first before getting into the gritty details. As Rohana grabbed the last two chicken eggs she had in...
  9. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    With a small nod Rohana turned on her heels and walked to her room, leaving the huntress with no supervision. It was not the wisest thing to leave a hunter, someone who usually hunted necromancers, unattended. However, if Sol had really wanted Rohana dead, there was a very slim chance that the...
  10. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    There were plenty of reasons for pushing to leave quickly. Sol would be recognized if spotted in town, and the idea of the huntress being cooped up in the tiny home all day did not seem like something that would last long. Not that Rohana could guarantee visitors would not stop by the house. She...
  11. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    Just as Rohana brought the tea cup back to her lips she froze. Eyes stared at the woman across from her. Sol was really going to help her taste freedom? She expected the huntress to agree of course as it would have been odd for Sol to deny her since their goals were aligned. However, there was a...
  12. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    Rohana glanced over her shoulder at the woman leaning on her door frame. Rohana almost apologized for how messy the kitchen was. Then she remembered the entire house was sort of... messy. The house was old with a boarded up window in the kitchen and a couple small holes in the wall. All the...
  13. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    Rohana sat on the ground panting still. Her muscles tense as she waited to see if the hunter would just attack the redhead on sight. Moving all the furniture from the living room meant that there was absolutely nothing between the woman and herself. It was annoying to move everything out into...
  14. Vanira

    Fantasy We're All Heathens Here

    @AI10100 The day had not gone as expected. It was odd enough that not even a month ago a newcomer came into Armagh and started to poke his nose around, but now there was another? Rohana had certainly not expected to be pulled from her daily duties aiding the sick to go watch a public execution...
  15. Vanira

    Fantasy A Plea for Humanity

    Sounds of metal clanged through the air behind Beulah as she stalked her way towards Zina who in the dim light held a look of what was assumed to be betrayal. Beulah had no time to think, only to act. She rushed forward with the dagger ready slashing towards Zina who dodged to the side with...
  16. Vanira

    Fantasy A Plea for Humanity

    Cheeks flushed angrily as Beulah heard them talk about her. Not that she had a right to be emotional about the matter, it was true after all, but hurt nonetheless. However, Beulah would not be swayed now. Not after everything she learned in the past week. The thought made an ever-so-small smile...
  17. Vanira

    Fantasy A Plea for Humanity

    Falling to the ground like a sack of potatoes, Beulah looked with shock as Fera laid, breathing slowly. She was okay, for now. The fluid motions Deini used to efficiently knock the family member out was rather impressive. Beulah wished that she could pull something like that off, but strength...
  18. Vanira

    Fantasy A Plea for Humanity

    The orange glow radiating from the torch on the wall gave enough light for Beulah to explore some of the small chests and cabinets. Inside one of the cabinets there was a worn out backpack that looked like it could last. At least, compared to the other options available. Beulah had begun tossing...
  19. Vanira

    Fantasy A Plea for Humanity

    There was a slow nod from Beulah. So, weapons will be our highest priority. Good to know, she thought as she moved closer to the prison cell. Acquiring weapons would make things safer in case there were problems that popped up, and Beulah knew where they could acquire weapons. Recalling from...
  20. Vanira

    Fantasy A Plea for Humanity

    Blue eyes and green eyes stared intently at each other, never once glancing away as Deini spoke. Beulah listened intently to her question, suggestion, and promise. Certainly, she did not want her family killed. While those like Father Balor were proving to be anything but the saint he pretended...