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  1. Seiden

    Your Boyfriend's Not Real

    ((God I knew there was one website I was forgetting about x__x I am really sorry again, I have been really busy and quite forgot about this one website...)) The robot's eyes followed her while she was going back to her room, but he did not do any move until she ended up replying to him. He...
  2. Seiden

    Your Boyfriend's Not Real

    ((I am really sorry for having been so long, I totally missed your reply! I was still waiting for you to reply without noticing the reply was there, I am really sorry ;___;)) The robot froze when the girl threw the bottles at him, thinking he was the target. When the items flew over his head...
  3. Seiden

    Your Boyfriend's Not Real

    She would keep calling him robot. A little spark of frustration crossed his electrical mind when hearing this word, but he would have to accept it. Humans are masters, humans have every right, and the robot should not ask for pride nor respect. He knows this and would accept it despite his wish...
  4. Seiden

    Your Boyfriend's Not Real

    The robot made a step backward, trying to keep the girl comfortable. He was not sure if he had made a mistake, but the single idea of deceiving his human gave him some weird feelings, if we can call that "feelings". He opened his mouth to offer his excuses, but the girl continued her speech, and...
  5. Seiden

    Your Boyfriend's Not Real

    Robots and androids had became hard to avoid indeed. While they started slowly, being just seen as amusing toys or interesting promises for the future, their development went exponential and they ended up invading the cities so fast that they were there, standing in your living room, before you...
  6. Seiden

    Your Boyfriend's Not Real

    A spark of electricity crossed his electronic brain, awakening the software. Several processors, allocated within several parts of his body, started to work, putting in place the program they were made for. Alongside with the memory and the higher quality calculator, they would give the machine...
  7. Seiden

    Seiden X fushiis

    The young teacher stared at the kid for a few seconds, unsure about what he was supposed to tell him. He was wondering about the teenager's attitude. Is he that immature that he can not even let his hobbies [de coté] to seriously think about his future, or does he really feel lost, unable to get...
  8. Seiden

    Seiden X fushiis

    Edgar thoughtfully looked at the young girl while she was leaving his office. When the teen's blond hairs disappeared behind the wall, the young teacher looked at the paper sheet in front of him, on which he was nervously taping with his closed pen. He thought for a short moment, nervously...