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  1. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    The prince snapped his fingers gently and pointed the door at the guard, who complied immediately. "... There. He's gone. Are you happy now? You could hurt me very much right now... But that's ok. Because I know you won't, right...?" He smiles with his cheeks red from the tears. "... You know...
  2. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    "... We haven't received a human from the human kingdom yet. We want to teach them kindness and empathy. I wanted to test that on you. We wanted to be, and we'll be kind with you. ... Where is your home, kid? .... Please... I want to help... I want everyone to be happy, but I sense your...
  3. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    "..." He leads the boy inside the castle. Once inside, he takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry. It's just... We saw from a distance horrible submission techniques being performed by the humans towards their own kind. It was... Disgusting, and scary. We erected the magical walls since they began to...
  4. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    "... They're east from here. ... But please, please don't go. We... Never meant to scare you. We're just... Wary of humans, but we couldn't hurt you at all. Whereas the humans... They can. A lot. Especially with the less important ones. We saw... Horrible things, physical and psychological...
  5. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    "Human. I won't hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you. But please, allow me to explain. The king of the humans unleashed his armies upon us. Our magical shields will work, but not forever. We're extremely wary of humans. We fear that they might enter through our magical defenses. But you... You...
  6. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    The guard seems very strong. The boy gets laid on the floor. He raises his gaze, and he sees a rather... Fluffy looking... royal animal thing. They looked down on him with concern in their eyes. "Oh dear! You didn't hurt him, did you?" The guard shakes his head. "Good. ... Human. Do you know how...
  7. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    The guard didn't budge. "I see. A human with psychic powers. Very interesting. I'm genuinely curious about what the prince will say. I might have to bring popcorn for this one!" ... He drags the boy to the place where that cheer from before took place.
  8. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    The guards fell one by one. They got farther and farther. He was safe. But suddenly, one last guard picks him up from the shirt as he rested, seemingly appearing from thin air. "Hmmm... This story doesn't convince me. Please, kid, don't make this more difficult. I'll lead you to the prince...
  9. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    Obviously, the guards begin to run after him. Suddenly, more guards get alerted and begin chasing after him. More, and more... The crowd is confused and scared.
  10. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    Soon, some guards stood up and blocked him. They have very fancy clothes. "ID, please?"
  11. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    As the boy had picked up some food, he got startled by a loud cheer nearby, towards the castle. His conquered food almost fell. In that place the cheers came from there was the heart of the feast.
  12. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    At the entrance of the village, he could notice a big feast in all the village. They're celebrating something, but what...? He could notice how the buildings were rather... Medieval. And the people there... Were not human, but not in a scary way.
  13. PincoPallino

    Fantasy Isekai

    He was sitting in a yellow flower patch, and the grass around it was green. The light of the sun was a little warmer than usual, and he was at a mountain's feet. Nearby, there was a village with a castle...