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  1. ashen.eidolon

    Multiple Settings The Help of Fletcher Estate - OOC

    Welcome to the temporary OOC chat, I figured until some more characters are up I'm going to hold off on discord, but for now I wanted y'all to have somewhere to contact me/each other if needed.
  2. ashen.eidolon

    Multiple Settings The Help of Fletcher Estate - CS

    Feel free to format this or code it to your hearts content, you are also welcome to add any additional information you feel is relevant to your character's profile, but all the required information is listed here. It's just the basics, you can do whatever else you want to do! Just please...
  3. ashen.eidolon

    Other Preferences About Code?

    Hi! I was just wondering what's everyone's feedback on using code in roleplaying? Personally I have been roleplaying a long time and I'm 25 years old now. I'm sure coding has been around longer than I realize but certainly not to the degree it's gotten to in the last few years. I do really...
  4. ashen.eidolon

    Experiences Thoughts on Premade Characters?

    So I've been running into an issue a lot in my years of roleplaying and I want to know if it happens to anyone else and what their thoughts are... For the record I had a rpn account years ago and this is a new one cause I just don't really feel like the same person anymore, yadda yadda, long...
  5. ashen.eidolon

    Multiple Settings stalkers, ghosts, angst, conspiracies, and more! angsty m/m romance

    {slide=About Me}hello, i'm ashen.eidolon, you can refer to me as that or as my real name which is petra. i'm twenty-seven, a stay at home mom of a 13 month old, and a passionate writer hobbyist. besides writing i dabble in painting, collaging, crocheting, cooking, and reading is my true love...
  6. ashen.eidolon

    Multiple Settings The Help of Fletcher Estate

    Fletcher Estate, hidden behind ageless trees overflowing with Spanish Moss, surrounded by elegant, humidity drenched gardens... You've heard of this place, maybe if you've been lucky enough you've even seen it before. Unlikely, however, as the Fletcher family is known for their reclusive...
  7. ashen.eidolon

    Realistic or Modern Seeking Literate/Longterm Partner(s)

    Hello, I'm, or ghost, or starlight, or whatever you want to call me. I will probably make a small change to my username as soon as I can, since I see that it doesn't fit right, at least on my screen haha. I am not new to roleplaying by any means. I have over a decade of...