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  1. Psychodrow

    Advice/Help Suggestions on a new tabletop system? Space/Future or Dystopian Post-Apocalypse

    Suggestions we've gotten have also been for Starfinder, Savage Worlds, and Star Wars. Any opinions on those, @Grey ? Thank you @Daisie for the recommendation. Thank you @Grey for the feedback, regardless. We are open and eager to consider any and all options!
  2. Psychodrow

    Other Random question of the day

    If I answer something like the Snorks, does that date me? I always that Ocky was the BEST!!!
  3. Psychodrow

    Last Letter

  4. Psychodrow

    LAST person to post is the winner!!!

    Wait this reminds me of a game...
  5. Psychodrow

    Define the avatar above you in one word

    monochromatic >_<
  6. Psychodrow

    Advice/Help Suggestions on a new tabletop system? Space/Future or Dystopian Post-Apocalypse

    Hey, everybody :) Just looking for some advice from people with more experience in the tabletop field. Hubs and I DM a weekly tabletop game that was, until last Tuesday, Pathfinder 1e. We are looking at shifting our group to something either space/future themed or post-apocalyptic/dystopian...
  7. Psychodrow

    Help New from Gaia...

    Oh, Lord, Gaia Online. That brings up some old school memories of my attempts at clinging to youth >_<
  8. Psychodrow

    Other Why did you choose your avatar?

    Because everyone wants/loves a unicorn. Also - nevermind, that's not appropriate in front of strangers, or children, or both. ^_^
  9. Psychodrow

    Literature LOTR/Hobbit Fans around here?

    As a tabletop player, we pretty much consider Tolkien the father of DND as we know it, including every off-shoot that is borne out of that. Hell, most people consider LOTR canon reference for fantasy classes and races.
  10. Psychodrow

    Other Worst Pain You've Ever Felt

    I've suffered through numerous things with limited to no anesthesia - childbirth, twice, meningitis, tooth extraction, various treatments for cancer, a marrow sample, a whole slew of terrifying things. I do think, though, that bone pain - from anything - is the worst in my experience. Which...
  11. Psychodrow

    what do you listen to ?

    I'm actually a big fan of Incubus, Pink Floyd, and Evanescence - but lately, my taste has been in listening to some old-school Trance. I did recently discover Craig Connelly and he's definitely a powerful influence. Otherwise stunning Paul Van Dyk, Armin VanBuren, stuff Armada is pushing. I'm...
  12. Psychodrow

    Video Games What are your favorite games?

    I am archaic so I don't know if my opinions count. FFVII Mass Effect Fallout New Vegas Civ - any version SimCity and... The Sims such a grrl -.-
  13. Psychodrow

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello everyone, happy to be here! Old-school person, old RPer, usually a forum play by post kind of thing.