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  • Users: Kirby3178
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  1. Kirby3178

    Fantasy Astral-The Only School that Trains Grimgar [Looking for small group]

    I'm looking for a person who would be interested in doing some 1x1 with me. I will explain everything about this when someone replies.
  2. Kirby3178

    Fantasy Astral Academy- Home of the Grimgar

    Welcome! To Astral, the only school that trains Grimgar. At this academy, you will learn everything you need to know about the Grimwars and magic. You will fight fellow students, make new friends, and more importantly grow your relationship with your Grimwar. Now, come the next winners of the...
  3. Kirby3178

    Fantasy The Knights of the Round Table Roleplay [Rules]

    These magic are allowed -Ether Skills: Can only be used by sword, axe, lance, hammer, and bow -Elemental Magic: Fire, water, earth, light, darkness, ice, lava, air, etc. -Crono Magic: The magic that allows the user to slow down, speed up, or completely stop time. -Blood Drive Magic: The...
  4. Kirby3178

    Fantasy The Knights of the Round Table Roleplay [Character Sheet]

    Name: Age: Origin or Backstory: Appearance: Magic Type (if you have one): Weapon: Role (Knight, Shopkeeper, etc.):
  5. Kirby3178

    Fantasy The Knights of the Round Table Roleplay

    The Knights of Camelot have protected Camelot and all its inhabitance for centuries. But now, a Warlock has threatened Camelot and it is up to the bravest and strongest warriors to protect Camelot. Will you fight and protect your Kingdom?
  6. Kirby3178

    Fantasy Course of the main plot [Part one]

    -Braven and Clara go to the Blacksmith. -Braven meets Lucelle the next day -The Kamara emerges Braven and Lucelle fight it off.
  7. Kirby3178

    Fantasy The Gilded Order

    Greetings, Warrior! If you're reading this then you want to know more about the Gilded Order. We are lead by a fearless man by the name of Bravery Syno. He has assembled many guilds and armies of the Kingdom Guard to fight along side him! Some of these guilds are KingsWolf, Rouge's Fang...
  8. Kirby3178

    Fantasy The Triad

    But, why hello there?, you are now reading a description of the alliance known as the Triad. Our leader Clause Van' Cline has been acquaintances with Bravery for quite some time. Our alliance is made up of some of the most sinister guilds around, some include the Aquerous Royals, the Crimson...
  9. Kirby3178

    Fantasy Blades In the Wind Roleplay [Talk to Kirby3178 to Enter]

    In the beginning, there was a light, it spoke the world into existence. First, a race of humans was made, their names, the Jackalions (in Vienovaian that means Aura-bender). They thought the power to use a natural force called Aura. Aura is a material that makes up everything, like water, the...
  10. Kirby3178

    Fantasy Rules [Blades in the Wind]

    Here I have listed all the things that are accepted and or allowed -The use of magic that controls the elements or terrain -The use of time magic, that can only speed-up, slow down, or stop time, or go back in time. No Time magic can be used to speed up a time to the point that it can change...
  11. Kirby3178

    Fantasy Blades In the Wind Roleplay [All is welcome]

    Welcome! To my roleplay. I'm glad you could be here. But, I want to inform you that you have just entered a war between two alliances: The Gilded Order (the good guys) and the Triad (the bad guys.) The Gilded Order is the alliance fighting to protect Vienova (the main setting) from the Triad. At...
  12. Kirby3178

    Fantasy Blades In the Wind Roleplay [Talk to Kirby3178 to Enter]

    In the beginning, there was a light, it spoke the world into existence. First, a race of humans was made, their names, the Jackalions (in Vienovaian that means Aura-bender). They were given the power to use a natural force called Aura. Aura is a material that makes up everything, like water, the...
  13. Kirby3178

    Fantasy The Triad

    But, why hello there?, you are now reading a description of the alliance known as the Triad. Our leader Clause Van' Cline has been acquaintances with Bravery for quite some time. Our alliance is made up of some of the most sinister guilds around, some include the Aquerous Royals, the Crimson...
  14. Kirby3178

    Fantasy The Gilded Order

    Greetings, Warrior! If your reading this then you want to know more about the Gilded Order. We are lead by a fearless man by the name of Bravery Syno. He has assembled many guilds and armies of the Kingdom Guard to fight along side him! Some of these guilds are KingsWolf, Rouge's Fang...
  15. Kirby3178

    Fantasy Blades In the Wind Roleplay [All is welcome]

    Welcome! To my roleplay. I'm glad you could be here. But, I want to inform you that you have just entered a war between two alliances: The Gilded Order (the good guys) and the Triad. The Gilded Order is the alliance fighting to protect Vienova (the main setting) from the Triad. At the same time...
  16. Kirby3178

    Braven Syno *Updated for the last time*

    Name: Bravery Syno Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: I rather not fill in. Race: Human Appearance: Braven is five foot five. He has dark blue hair and a pretty muscular build History: Braven has been playing MMO's his entire life. He knows the smallest details of most RPG's...