Search results for query: *

  1. DudeWheresMyGame

    Ello' Ello' Ello'

    Oh I'm going to have fun here. I can already tell. :P
  2. DudeWheresMyGame

    Communist Love Story

    So, I've got an idea for a Modern-ish styled Romeo & Juilet about a Bulsvhik Communist and a generals daughter in the days leading up to the Russian Coupe De'ta. Here's the pitch let me know if you're interested. The Revolutionary & The Generals Daughter Moscow, 1920 This is a tragedy, one...
  3. DudeWheresMyGame

    Ello' Ello' Ello'

    Hm, I've always meant to try nation building just never had the chance. Perhaps I will check it out after I've gotten a handle on the site and figured out where I stand and where everything is.
  4. DudeWheresMyGame

    Ello' Ello' Ello'

    Well, I'm new to RPNation but not so much to Role Play or writing. I've been a writer since I was, well god since I was a kid really. I've been RPing for about five or six years now. I joined RPNation because where I was before here shorta dried up. Let me think, well here's what I think are the...