Search results for query: *

  1. PerilousAbyss

    Fantasy Searching for intrepid adventurers eager to explore a surreal world of ruins, monsters, and danger! Details inside!

    Hello everyone! You can call me Perilous or Abyss or some permutation of the two! The title I feel says it all more or less, I've got a world prepared for this and an exploration-focused story/campaign I'd like to run in it! Before I get to the real details of what I've got in mind for the...
  2. PerilousAbyss

    Fandom Forever Something New: An FMA Story

    Though it had been an agonizing, often sleepless two weeks, Claudio had managed to complete his research efforts the day of the deadline. He hoped that the Alchemists' Society would be satisfied with his completed project, especially given how long it took for him to figure out how to 'store' an...
  3. PerilousAbyss

    Fandom Looking for someone for a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure original story (OCs only)

    Painter's Flesh Rhapsody is the story of Luisa Zhang, an experienced pickpocket and luxury item thief, and the strange happenings which befall her and her friend/ally once they're in possession of a strange painting of a woman in red. The painting which is peculiarly able to heal one's wounds if...
  4. PerilousAbyss

    Fandom Adrift and Afloat, a Pokémon Adventure

    Olivia and her companions were absolutely exhausted by the time they arrived at Alto Mare. They'd been traveling all day with little to no rest or breaks, and even the hardiest of adventurers would have been winded by the sheer amount of walking they'd done. She refused to keep her Pokemon in...
  5. PerilousAbyss

    Fantasy (MxF) Looking for someone interested in a Magic: the Gathering themed RP

    The title kind of says it all, I feel. I'm looking for someone who wants to participate in an M:tG RP with an emphasis on worldbuilding, exploration, adventure, and what have you. Original characters are a must, as I don't really like messing around with established canon that much and prefer...
  6. PerilousAbyss

    Fantasy Looking for someone interested in a Magic: the Gathering inspired RP set on Ravnica.

    With the new set coming up and the excitement that comes with it, I've really been interested in experiencing the city through the eyes of a resident. Ideally, we'd build the world and design its characters ourselves for the sake of dodging issues with canon. I have a few original characters in...