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  1. Prankster Pi

    Fantasy My Good Friend Davy Jones

    This role play is a group one that centers around pirates that have been abandoned by their former crews. They gradually escape their isolation, forming a ragtag group of their own. You'd better watch out for your old crew though, but other dangers are awaiting you. Other pirates. The...
  2. Prankster Pi

    Fantasy My Good Friend Davy Jones

    Ask questions and discuss plot here, mates~
  3. Prankster Pi

    Fantasy My Good Friend Davy Jones

    So you've been marooned, eh? That's alright. So have the lot of us. Tell us a bit about yourself, and we might consider letting you tag along. Name: Age: Languages Spoken: Gender Identity: Sexuality: Appearance: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Weapon of Choice: Strengths...
  4. Prankster Pi

    Fantasy My Good Friend Davy Jones

    Welcome, Pirates. Davy Jones has been expecting you. You've had your time at sea, yes. Pillaging, merry-making, and sailing away from the troubles of life on land. But as you should know, a pirate's life is short. And yours isn't over yet. Not yet. But you have been marooned, you...
  5. Prankster Pi

    Fantasy Pirates, anyone?

    Hello, everyone! I have an idea brewing for a role play where each character is a pirate that has been marooned from their crew on an island. Little did their former crews know that there are lots of pirates similarly abandoned on this "deserted" island, and that they would soon be forming a...
  6. Prankster Pi

    Hello~ ^o^

    Hey everyone! I'm Pi. I'm new to this site, whiiiich is why I'm posting here! I'm always looking for a good roleplay, because I believe when people work together, they can create awesome stories. Interactive and collaborative stories are a ton of fun, so I look forward to working with you...