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  1. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (OOC: @Maiza Avaro its all right I myself have three soon to be four siblings. I understand the struggle that sometimes comes. Did you know that you posted twice? Or at least for me, as well as the fact that Koen already finished his drawing and is showing it to Tempest. Mayhaps you didnt read...
  2. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (OOC: Captain Kyridian Arcturus going on a rampage would most likely equate to either Koen Raad getting his face caved in by that tower shield or an eight of town burning down because by rampage I mean stalking through the forest trying to find stupidity to quell and encourage darwinism.  But...
  3. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (Well I need Koen Raad for the Iron Legion to move on. They are not just going to leave the lad, he's one of their own. Now that could have sparked some interesting tensions between the locals and the Iron Legion, especially Tempest and the other would be dragon riders but... I dont know what...
  4. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon into a rhythm of sorts, and by that I mean more of the Iron Legion show up and start causing problems. But we didnt even make it that far. *sighs sadly* I guess ill just wait a few more days and pray. Then start doing other shit with my other two chars and if that fails move on.  @Veno )
  5. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (OOC: sooo.... we all died.... except me on the struggle buss for Maizo's response.)
  6. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (OOC: The struggle of being forever alone ):
  7. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    Koen Raad looked affronted at her insinuation that he would not endeavor to do his best to capture her in the likeness which was the truth. The expression was really the only one of which his impassive face had betrayed itself by, otherwise it was not but a mask of un-moving stone. Against his...
  8. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    Koen Raad nods his head, aye there was a great many things he would have liked to ask the Emerald Dragoness. Many things indeed which might shed some like on the enigma that was Dragonkind as a whole. However the Young Soldier knew that whilst his curiosity might be slated pursuing such a...
  9. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    The Young Soldier nods his head once more. "The pleasure is mine." He grinds out with a concentrated force of will to calm the agitation of his weak throat muscles as the Dragoness introduces herself. Koen Raad did not know of a creature that went by the name of Tempest, however the ending...
  10. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    Koen Raad pauses, one foot in the air as the She-Serpent flowed around him like the stream passes the rock protruding from its surface, graceful and effortless from his perspective. He lets out a soft sigh, after all today had been going waaaay too decently for the normal and having this...
  11. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    Koen Raad did not notice the Emerald dragoness's amazement or her study of his work. He simply walked forward and crouched down to grab his Sketchbook, aware of the green scales close by and careful not to brush against them. Fingers snagging the spine he drags it towards him and then picks it...
  12. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    The Young Soldiers blue eyes grow dark and clouded, like thunderstorms on the horizon, and he nods gravely. His black woolen skullcap bobbing up in down as the man's action states that he would not and had begun to turn and leave when his eyes caught sight of the dying, rippling pattern about...
  13. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (OOC: @Ignace I mean... I have 3 main characters and a whole contingent of Mercenaries. I wouldnt say its not a possibility but im not in charge.)
  14. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    "Are you alright, young soldier?"  Koen Raad's head jerked up in surprise at the feminine voice, a motion in which he immediately regret as it only served to aggravate the concussion he had no doubt administered to himself and set his head throbbing once more. Holding the side of his cranium...
  15. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (OOC: *groans and holds head in hands* Oh you have no idea, always have and always will. Perhaps to many to count. That Ashes of Creation Rp almost caused thine brain to be cleaved in twain! Course thats what I get for playing such a complicated faction and character set such as Those of the...
  16. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    ...Kyridian and Mikhails just an odd ball... That and Kyridian would see a dragon and then shove a spear down its throat quicker than you could blink. *Stares up at the sky with a frown* Puts a damper on friendly conversation that does, doesnt help the fact that he is a asshole if you pardon the...
  17. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (OOC: Gyaaaaah crap you are correct. The little details such as placement often slip by me on account of others. A flaw with my own abilities I find no end of trouble with. Hence the reason for my asking for clarification. And a good thing I did otherwise a failure on my part would have taken...
  18. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (OOC: I hope so too. Hence one of the reasons I created them. To create tension, panic and strife. A common goal to unite our young would be Dragon Riders and Dragon Tamers. After all... *grins* Stories gotta have a bad guy, the protagonist. Sue me, but I love being as such.) @Veno
  19. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (OOC: Right had to make sure, whew. I was going to have some of the Iron Legion make an appearance searching for wherever Koen went and since that Company is camped on the ole' riverbed at Galen they couldnt have appeared in Meridian. I just saw the mention of IronClads and was like... speak of...
  20. Jarkov Malachai

    Fantasy Land of the dragon

    (OOC: Just for confirmation so I do not make any mistakes. All characters are more or less in the same village correct? Or in the nearby area?)