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  1. Widget

    Multiple Settings 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒅𝒈𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒙𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 ∆ In Character
    Index: Zahra Starter Post

    Three weeks earlier The storm was predictable, or at least as predictable as the storms could ever be. The humid air hung heavy over everyone's shoulders, pulling relentlessly on the weary, saturated limbs of the field-tenders who labored in the flat expanse in the northern quadrant of...
  2. Widget

    Multiple Settings Jumpers | Main IC

    Em sat perched on the end of his bed, his legs tucked securely under the bolted-down bed-frame, and an over-sized, large print novel "borrowed" from the Boston Public Library spread open upon his lap. He felt a twinge of guilt as he imagined the disappointed gazes of librarians permanently...
  3. Widget

    Fandom Lathbora Veran

    "Indeed it is," Solas said, dipping his slightly in a subtle nod. He could no longer recall any memories from his childhood, only fleeting recollections of colors and senses; it was like a half-remembered dream, surreal and unreachable. At times he wondered if he had ever been a child at all...
  4. Widget

    Fandom Lathbora Veran

    Solas inclined his head as Neran inquired about the spirits, taken somewhat off-guard by the question, and considered her briefly, noting the genuine curiosity brimming her eyes as she let her arm fall to her side. He found himself pleasantly surprised by Neran's interest in the Fade and its...
  5. Widget

    Fandom Lathbora Veran

    Solas regarded Neran's movements carefully as she digested his words, from the gradual looseness of her stance, and the increasing openness of her demeanor. Yet, even as she spoke, he could not help the brief dash of surprise that flickered through his eyes. She was not made uncomfortable by the...
  6. Widget

    Fandom Lathbora Veran

    Solas shifted his stance so that he was directly facing Neran as she continued to speak, the corner of his mouth twitching subtly in amusement as she rambled anxiously, feeling almost as though he were a bystander of a conversation she was having with herself, her thoughts darted from one thing...
  7. Widget

    Fandom Lathbora Veran

    The freshly fallen snow glittered in the sun, and little specks of light caught gentle swirls of snowflakes as they fell quietly from the sky. Stepping lightly down an un-tread path, crossed his arms in front of his torso. The calmness was disconcerting; hadn't it been only a week since the...
  8. Widget

    Fandom Lathbora Veran

    "Fen'Harel ma ghilana." "The Dread Wolf guides you." @Sasil
  9. Widget

    Futuristic The Parallel Division: The Twelve Apostles

    Erik Bentham The transport chamber, for whatever reason, always reminded Erik of stepping into an enormous, insulated freezer. With its metallic walls and boxish confines, it was not too difficult to make the comparison, and once again Erik found himself exceedingly grateful that he was not...
  10. Widget

    Futuristic The Parallel Division: The Twelve Apostles

    Erick Bentham Erik had never felt so relieved in his life. Even with all of the things that could have gone disastrously wrong in the 1931 mission -- misleading directions, a faulty cab, a dead future prime minister -- the Clock Tower's malfunction was the one thing he looked forward to...
  11. Widget

    Futuristic The Parallel Division: The Twelve Apostles

    Erik Bentham "But there's nothing. No response, no static. Just... dead air." For a moment, time seemed to stand still -- frozen in place by some unknown barrier. Erik stared back at Ms. Galfrey incomprehensibly, his mind strangely blank and void of any thought or feeling. He frowned, as...
  12. Widget

    Futuristic The Parallel Division: The Twelve Apostles

    Erik Bentham Plunging through the dense, rapidly darkening clouds with all the grace of a sinking ship, Erik was struck by how eerily familiar the grey hued sky appeared. So accustomed was he to ambience of 1931 New York, with its harried, bustling of activity as the recently unemployed...
  13. Widget

    Realistic or Modern Project Atlas

    Given the copious amount of experience he had gained throughout the extensive life of his teaching career, Victor liked to consider himself relatively adept at discerning fiction from reality. It was a necessary skill that one must obtain in order to survive in the wild atmosphere of academic...
  14. Widget

    Realistic or Modern Project Atlas

    It was a general, unspoken rule that all things and people pertaining to a metahuman's existence in the "real world", remained definably separate from their life within Project Atlas. The two were never to be conjoined; the end result was always irreparably messy. It was a law that everyone...
  15. Widget

    Realistic or Modern Project Atlas

    The rich, heavy scent of brewing coffee engulfed the small confines of the quaint café – an ambience deemed highly attractive by those accustomed to the cold sting of New York’s wintry air. Victor Kant rested his elbows upon the ornate mahogany surface of the café’s counter, barely withholding...
  16. Widget

    Realistic or Modern Stranded (Small Group Role-play)

    To be quite honest, Thomas Locke never had, and never would have any desire to travel to Australia to seek out enjoyment in the carefully preserved beaches and the pompous spas that boasted of excellence... It seemed such a waste to him that the academy had selected blatant relaxation that could...
  17. Widget

    Fandom Blood and Water

    The sky was made of colors, from angry red to the small patch of dying blue, they joined as one in melodious coexistence. Caul would have thought it was beautiful, yet it was anything but. He closed eyes against the conjoined brightness of the light, watching as tiny pinpricks of color danced...
  18. Widget

    Fandom Where the Mask Meets: A Sherlockian Role-play

    Of course you can join, I am glad to have you! Don't worry about perfect English; I'm American and I still make mistakes... You should see my Spanish, it's absolutely horrendous. Due to the recent edits to the site, I have lost my character creation sheet... I will rewrite it tomorrow so that...
  19. Widget

    Fandom Blood and Water argue. Attempting to distract Connor from his previous statement, Caul quickly responded to Connor's originally ignored reply. "I'm not a politician, but I am hardly a doctor either." XXXX A/N: Sorry for my poor quality Minnesotan joke. *sighs sadly* I'm probably the only one who...
  20. Widget

    Fandom Blood and Water

    Caul continued to gaze purposefully (without pausing to blink) at Connor, seemingly oblivious to the other boy's discomfort. With a deepening frown, he searched Connor's expression once more for any evidence that may indicate that there was indeed a straight-forward explanation for his...