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  1. Orikanyo

    Active [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds

    Finn "...Don't run the joke into the ground yet Vicky, I fear if I announce a wedding I've a few who would object... And most of which I'll not see coming in the slightest." Finn sighed, scratching behind his head as he walked along. "...Never really did pick up other languages.. never had a...
  2. Orikanyo

    Active [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds

    Finn "Now now Kane, I'm certain i wont spring up any jealousy by being friendly. You speak as if we're already too be wed!' the blonde knight smiled, as if he wasn't already... Though giving up his weapon was... Unpleasant... if need be, he could likely wrest a blade from would be captors...
  3. Orikanyo

    Active [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds

    Finn @Elvario "Ah... Wouldn't be the first woman to come out of nowhere with her feelings..." Finn scratches his head, uncertain of where to go from there. Though, he had no reason to distrust Victorique's words... If this was all this woman's harem... She was very popular indeed... He...
  4. Orikanyo

    Active [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds

    Finn Finn smiled and nodded, and nodded abit more. His smile never broke as his poker face continued to hold... But... .... He had no idea what people were saying. Was... this... a different common tongue? He didn't foresee this issue when coming up here. Should he have prepared...
  5. Orikanyo

    Active [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds

    Finn Fresh from his rest and relaxation, Finn looked positivly bright eyed and bushy tailed!! Breeching out into the... Sky high air, he stepped onto deck he felt... a small degree of light headedness, like each breath wasn't taking in as much air as he'd hope. So he did some small breathing...
  6. Orikanyo

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Finn @Femboy @Maxxob @Elvario "Fluffy? Theres no need to change on my account, I think I will need to go in a moment, i'll be needed in a hour or so, so best I-" The thought never finished, Fluffy Gunhild's appearance was akin to a lightning bolt striking him directly in the heart. So...
  7. Orikanyo

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Finn @Maxxob @Femboy @Elvario "I see..." Finn stood stark still, taking in Regula's words... he breathed in, breathed out... Allies... Friends... he... made quite a few... Perhaps... Perhaps persueing nobility isn't his desire but... To... Hrmm... Eliza no doubt would be a suitable line of...
  8. Orikanyo

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Finn @Maxxob @Elvario @Femboy ... Very little could really describe what just happened. Seriously, what the hell? What in blazes was this? a Shark woman, then a... small then gigantic woman who was very... big... Actually both were "Big" in that way. Really it was easy to see and hard to...
  9. Orikanyo

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Finn @Elvario "You'd be suprised how much HAS changed since back then." the knight sighed, nodding to the words... "Guess I could've chose a better time but don't have much myself, made a promise to help in the sky kingdoms so have to portal my way back there sooner or later but thought theres...
  10. Orikanyo

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Finn "Hmm, Silvia..." he seemed to repeat the name as if locking it in his mind... But... If she had been working with Regula for long, a familiar gaze was upon her... Or... rather... Upon her tail... And ears. Hands opened, then lightly clentched as if scolded by managment for dareing to move...
  11. Orikanyo

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Finn Portal travel was awefully conveinient really. Going from the skies to here in a flash, really he'd have to take a sky dive and a hefty landing should he decide to come down the normal way. What with the Sky kingdom being in, well, the sky. But it was certainly worthwhile to actually go...
  12. Orikanyo

    Active [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2

    FInn The man would follow suit with the others, even taking up the idea of more food. Though he had excused himself beforehand to regain his proper accouterments and gear. Once again armed and armored, he joined the others and ate his fill, though seemed to be out of topics for now to bother...
  13. Orikanyo

    Active [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2

    Finn The race was... Well... Uhh... Not close. Actually not close in the slightest for Finn. Finn was having fun, but it was clear he was not a gifted swimmer. He was clearly having fun, but it could be seen in the strange paddling and flailing he was... not used to swimming at all. On...
  14. Orikanyo

    Active [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2

    Finn "Certainly cleaner than a river!" Finn spoke up over his shoulder before, ignoring any and all decorum of waiting for others and simply jumped into the pool to swim. Though, to many, it would seem he was no professional. In fact he... seemed to struggle abit.. More or less swimming by...
  15. Orikanyo

    Fandom Naruto: Last of the Fallen Blossoms

    Some time ago... Izanami and Yoshi present... A Petrifying Experience
  16. Orikanyo

    Active [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2

    Finn "That would be lovely, though mind she is not my full blood little sister... Mote of a... Best friend, whom very much I consider like one. Mimi is quite the cute little beastfolk, shes been with me on my travels for sometime and I honestly worry for her whenever shes not near..." the...
  17. Orikanyo

    Active [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2

    Finn "You were doing wonderfully, with time no doubt you can surpass Victorique. Though, can't say i'm anywhere near as fast as her either haha." He gave Eliza a pat on the shoulder, a bright beaming smile popping up like a ray of sunshine from behind a cloud. He paused for a moment, gazeing...
  18. Orikanyo

    Active [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2

    Finn Though he'd been abit quiet, Finn had followed the group to this exercise area. On an airship that was honestly feeling more like a cruise liner... He however had to give it was a good idea to let some energy out, the least he could do to get some exercise in. Though... With what he...
  19. Orikanyo

    Active [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2

    Finn "Alot of context and understanding is missing in my short forms of telling. But I cannot say your words aren't true, who am I to fight when others don't? When I get stabbed in the back by obvious foes that should have been culled. I've done plenty good, however, by simply trusting...
  20. Orikanyo

    Active [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2

    Finn "A long time ago I joined the warfront, in aid of the See, the mission was to stop a plot that used a type of insect from the See wilds to infect the Empire and cause mass devestation to put fire into war against the See. You may have heard of the events, needless to say we failed to...