Search results for query: *

  1. Pacificus

    Fandom RWBY: A Grimm Dawn

    Teel Finback. Training Arena. Interaction: @Maeve Valor Teel cocked a weary eyebrow when she told him about biting people. He knew he'd probably meet interesting people at beacon, so he didn't really know why this caught him off guard. "Uh, no. I can't do that. My teeth do grow back though...
  2. Pacificus

    Fandom RWBY: A Grimm Dawn

    Teel Finback. Training Arena. Interaction: @Maeve Valor Hearing a voice, Teel looked around him before realizing it came from above and behind him. He almost jumped a little when he came face-to-face with a girl hanging in an unnatural position. At first, he was worried she had fallen, but...
  3. Pacificus

    Fandom RWBY: A Grimm Dawn

    Teel Finback. Beacon Courtyard. No interactions. The clean air filled Teel's lungs as he stepped forward onto artisanal stone pathways; a nice change from Vales urban stagnancy. It early-summer breeze felt good on his gills. He could go without the scent of the crowd though. He could...
  4. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    Daytona heard more radio calls but they were marred by static and his limited range. He began searching for a way to boost his range. With a purpose, he began sifting through debris until he found a long metal rod, that seemed to be made out of conductive material. He stabbed it upright into the...
  5. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    Daytona trudged through the sand towards the ship that appeared to be the Blackbird. The desert heat was not kind to his internal temperature, though he was still capable of regulating it. As he drew closer, he took note of several geological features that appeared on his sensors. He was...
  6. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    ...the android against the wall. The force of the impact shook Daytona's circuitry and he automatically entered an emergency restart sequence. ***** :reboot sequence initializing :data radiate online :data hardwire online :A-link reactor startup commenced :UUT test complete: Multiple errors...
  7. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    With the Captain's permission secured, Daytona went about his plan. His shoulders shrunk behind his limited cover as blaster rifle ricocheted. Inverting the hangars gravity generator wasn't going to be easy. Thankfully, the controls for everything were on their side of the hangar. However, the...
  8. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    More crewmembers rushed into the hangar and it quickly became a full-on firefight. The incoming fire was so intense, Daytona resorted poking his head out of cover for a mere moment before ducking back down. Then, he held his rifle over the crate and fired at wherever he had seen pirates with...
  9. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    From his fortified position, Daytona awaited word from the bridge. He was hoping for a warning prior to being boarded. As it turned out, he wouldn't need it. The compartment shuddered when the pirate's ship docked. He aimed down his sights and braced for the boarding party to breach into the...
  10. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    Upon reaching the hangar, Daytona started fortifying the position with what he had at his disposal. First thing he did was move any volatile cargo away from the exterior bulkheads and out of the line of fire as best he could. Then, he began stacking crates around the hangar access hatch...
  11. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    Daytona's gears tightened at the sound of the alarm and the sudden shudderring of the ship. Immediately, a switch inside was flicked and he entered tactical mode. He listened intently to the First Officers announcement... -------- "Rather polite for an emergency announcement." Daytona...
  12. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    Daytona returned Atuk'Kuta's nod. "Evenin'." He greeted, then took a seat. He leaned backwards into the chair and balanced it on its two back legs. Androids, of course, did not eat. But Daytona would busy himself by plucking a toothpick from a small dispenser and wedging it into a thin gap in...
  13. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    ...The Captain had likely already talked to him, but Daytona wanted to conduct his own investigation. Maybe tomorrow, considering the days events. *** Daytona was familiar with the social gathering that organics referred to as dinner. He did not need to eat, but he would show face and meet the...
  14. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    ...He said angrily. He didn't intend to actually harm the Alfen, but Daytona really wanted to intimidate him. Then the Captain entered. ************** Daytona didn't like that the Captain shot down his request to cuff the suspect. Though, he was appeased with her having Hart escort him to...
  15. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    The android navigated the tight confines of the ventilation ducts as quick as he could. Which was still, very slow. He could have bent his arms and legs at awkward angles to hold himself off the ground and essentially "spider" along the walls, but his insistence on keeping his gun pointed ahead...
  16. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    Daytona received the ventilation schematic. He would thank the engineer later. Immediately, he began pouring over the flow chart that displayed as a hologram in front of him. He was keen on getting this breach under control quickly. He had already wasted time on being cautious. While studying...
  17. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    Daytona tapped the side of his head a few times, checking his sensors. They were fine. "I will contact engineering and attempt to acquire a system schematic." Daytona replied. "Pursuit into the ventilation system is highly dangerous. We will wait here for engineering to send over the system...
  18. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    "Aye." Daytona replied to Matias. He was glad the First Officer was taking the initiative. Now Daytona could focus on the stowaway. Which he now lacked the ability to track. He looked towards the crates where the last blip was seen. He rested his right hand on his pistol, but didn't draw it...
  19. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    When the blip reappeared, Daytona immedately pivoted on his heel. Before he could fully turn around, a stack of barrels came crashing down on him. He reacted quickly, throwing up one arm and deflecting the first metal cylinder. His rugged frame absorbed the punishment without issue. He was not...
  20. Pacificus

    Futuristic Cosmic Deep (open)

    "I detected lifesigns in this compartment before I entered, slightly after you did. That was exactly 7 minutes and 32 seconds ago. Two minutes before either of us entered this compartment. It disappeared as soon as both of us entered." His head slowly turned, observing the equipment racks and...