Search results for query: *

  1. AtlannianSpy

    Viewpoint How would you feel if you realized your partner's reply was generated by an AI?

    I'd be pretty annoyed frankly. For me the point of RPing as opposed to writing fiction is to get the creative input from another human being and an AI cant replace that in any meaningful way. Even if you edit the output very heavily an AI can't carry on a cohesive narrative and make decisions...
  2. AtlannianSpy

    Advice/Help Please teach me how to boss cuz I'm sooooo not a boss!!

    I think you've been doing pretty good so far. Forum RPing is basically 90 percent communication which I think you are actually pretty good at. If there's no game rules or computer program acting as mediator for people then Everything comes about as a result of people talking things out and...
  3. AtlannianSpy

    Other So you found a great RP partner...A question about infamous/famous RPers

    There are times when I've given someone I like a heads-up about the kind of experience I've had with someone else. I try to be delicate and as fair as I can in situations like that: stressing that its my subjective opinion and I might have been a part of any issues and so on. It's not something...
  4. AtlannianSpy

    Other Preferences About Code?

    My personal preferences are pretty minimalist. Crack open any novel on your shelf and you will find text that is highly readable without the use of things like coloured text, fancy boxes or much more than the occasional use of bold or italics. I think that's the gold standard out in the real...
  5. AtlannianSpy

    Other Petition to move any Group RP Interest check with discord as a requirement to a subforum

    People aren't bait and switching you because they failed to organise their interest check information in order of what is most important to you personally they forget to mention something. You keep using that term but a bait and switch is a deliberate Strategy usually employed with malicious...
  6. AtlannianSpy

    Experiences Your least liked and favourite part of a Character Sheet to do?

    I'm kinda surprised no one else has mentioned this, I really dislike having to put down a height and weight for characters, its just kind of fiddly and awkward and it makes me have weird, second guessy thoughts like "if I make my character the shortest in the rp am I trying too hard to make them...
  7. AtlannianSpy

    System/Mechanics Simple Dice Systems In a Roleplay

    I'm glad I could be of some help and I'm definitely looking forward to testing out/ experiencing the system once it all gets to that stage. It's always very satisfying when you can bounce ideas around with someone and kinda kick something off.
  8. AtlannianSpy

    System/Mechanics Simple Dice Systems In a Roleplay

    I think I can sorta see where you're going, I mean, I'm presuming this whole thread is related to the HXH thread I replied to as well? I can go back to talking in generalities if its not. To my mind one of the simplest ways to get that level up and customisation feel with dice is just to give...
  9. AtlannianSpy

    System/Mechanics Simple Dice Systems In a Roleplay

    I've toyed with some dice/ dice adjacent stuff so I have some thoughts that may or may not be useful. Are you planning for dice to be relegated mostly to combat? or do you envision players resolving a wide array of actions like say: picking locks, leaping over chasms, charming npcs, with dice...
  10. AtlannianSpy

    Advice/Help advice in running a xian xia / Cultivation Rp

    ...that genre. Now I've never run such an rp before and there's an number of unique elements to the genre that I'd like to try and evoke, stuff like: *The intricacies of cultivation itself, dealing with dantians, meridians and qi in a way that's engaging and encourages interesting decisions and...
  11. AtlannianSpy

    Advice/Help Purple prose: How to avoid/spot it?

    this is straight up the most useful and relevant answer to what OP actually wanted. BUT I wanna say my piece on the topic so ignore that for a moment~ Purple prose is only purple when its undermining the intended mood of your writing: flowery, overly descriptive prose can actually be used...
  12. AtlannianSpy

    Experiences An experienced minor who can never find rp!! Does anyone else have to go through this?

    I feel like I shouldn't tell you to just lie and so I won't. But if you did decide to lie about your age on the internet people would be free to take you at your word about it, nothing would force them to try and verify it or spend a lot of time thinking about it.
  13. AtlannianSpy

    Advice/Help Should a pokemon rp have stats and mechanics?

    HI there, in case anyone who saw this thread would like an update, I am indeed launching the pokemon rp I was discussing here. so If anyone voted or gave advice becase they were interested in playing come say hi!
  14. AtlannianSpy

    Advice/Help Should a pokemon rp have stats and mechanics?

    humm. I'd always wondered what it would be like working in game battles into an rp so it's very interesting to hear the results of that, probably not somethin I would ever implement myself but I find the idea fascinating. I think I am starting to get a sense of the direction I want to go in...
  15. AtlannianSpy

    Advice/Help Should a pokemon rp have stats and mechanics?

    Hmm some interesting points here. Certainly the base video game formulae are not practical for forum rp use. I had stumped onto the Pokemon tabletop stuff and had been wondering about taking some inspiration from it so it's good to have input there. It seems umm... Unwieldy to me, though...
  16. AtlannianSpy

    Advice/Help Should a pokemon rp have stats and mechanics?

    So I'm thinking about dipping my toe back into running a group rp and I had been eyeing off pokemon as a fun setting to try out, I've never run a pokemon rp myself. Normally when I run group rps I like to have some kind of rpg style stat system to track the overall capabilities of characters; I...
  17. AtlannianSpy

    Idea Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards

    So I've been toying with the idea of diving back into High fantasy lately and while doing some preliminary, rough draft sorta world building and theory crafting I found myself stuck on a potential issue that, to me, was best summed up by a particular TV tropes page...
  18. AtlannianSpy

    Other What's the hardest thing for you when creating a character?

    For me a lot of the difficulty comes in figuring out where within the group dynamic my char is going to fit. Both in terms of like skillsets and abilities and in terms of personality, I hate to be stepping on people's toes. If there's already a guy with fire magic and a whip then I don't wanna...
  19. AtlannianSpy

    Idea Looking for input about RP I've been working on. [VR-RP]

    It sounds like combat is going to be a big part of this rp, so I would suggest really nailing down how tgat is going to work. Do people shoot each other? Is melee combat a facet of it? Do people have access to unique equipment or abilities that set them apart? Another important thing to...
  20. AtlannianSpy

    Experiences Why do people like school roleplays so much

    I think there is something compelling about a high schoolsetting beyond mere convenience and familiarity. Afterall these RPs are to a great degree inspired by existing media right? and even though a lot of that rp is derivative and uninspired, the hacks are taking cues from earlier works that...