Search results for query: *

  1. BarkWolfBacon

    Realistic or Modern To End A War (Angel/Devil/Mythology Rp)IC

    Lucas Samael Hargrave Luke had been silent and baffled the entire plane ride. He'd never been in a plane, never stayed in a hotel, never traveled. All of it was overwhelming to him, and it was evident on his face. His normally tough demeanor was somewhat tempered by the experience. And now he...
  2. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    Solomon Glass Solomon pulled Ezra aside when they left Sihng's office. "Ride with me to this crime scene, I'll explain on the way. But not in earshot of others." They stopped to grab coffee and then made their way to the parking lot, where Solomon's glidecar was waiting for them. He disengaged...
  3. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    Narrator Sihng collapsed back into his chair after everyone's confirmation. "Senator Dickson's daughter has been kidnapped. She's a completely healthy 17 year old girl, no implants, no record, bright future. Shes fit as a fiddle, which means she's prime research material for experiments. As you...
  4. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    Narrator Sihng motioned for those left behind to follow him, leading him to his cramped office. It was asses and elbows in there once everyone was in, but they made it work. Sihng watched Barnabas through the glass of his window, the assassin was headed out...somewhere. Sihng pulled out a...
  5. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    Narrator Captain Sihng's tone changed dramatically when he spoke to Ezra. The Captain clearly respected him. "Kraine is on site at a crime scene called in this morning." Then the captain returned to the front of the room and cleared his throat. The room instantly went quiet. Save for Skinner...
  6. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    Solomon Glass Sol was about to talk to Ezra when Rosie came in. Well, came in is really an understatement. She more burst in. Which was more her style, sliding across the floor in Captain Sihng's chair and coming to a thudding halt next to Solomon and his group. She muttered some truly...
  7. BarkWolfBacon

    Realistic or Modern To End A War (Angel/Devil/Mythology Rp)IC

    @Dante Verren Luke pulled out the cheap pay per minute phone the owner of the garage had got him for work contact. "Yeah, man. Here." He handed it to the imp and then took steps towards the door. He was eager to travel and get to the heart of whatever insane whirlwind he had been caught up...
  8. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    Solomon Glass Sol looked at Jill and Kestrel, "Jill doesn't like him, and I get that. And don't get me wrong, his appearance But he's also saved my life more than once." Jill gave him a doubtful look. "Ok, so one time he killed a key witness. But I mean, that witness was an...
  9. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    Solomon Glass "Hey, at least I nap...maybe it shouldn't be at work, but still." He laughed. "I'll get payback for those cards though, somehow." His eyes glowed green as data flashed across them. His smile quickly faded. <Database access, Field Asset 'Fallthorn', Officer I.D. Request.> <Data...
  10. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    Solomon Glass @GhastlySquash Solomon turned to face his partner, Jill, on the right and watched the woman rest her head on the table. Poor thing had been through some shit, and he knew what those meds could do. He'd been on some himself after his accident, and knew that getting off of them was...
  11. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    ...Tyr Tower Vox 1 (Identified as Zander Corbin, CIO) Vox 2 (Identified as Arietta Florence, Head of Security) Vox 3 (No match in system) *** Corbin: -nks for coming here today, I know you all keep busy schedules. Florence: Please tell me it isn't bad news, Mr. Corbin. Vox 3: *cough* Quite...
  12. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    ...and called his own vehicle. It would be here in fifteen minutes. Guess he would be late this morning. "Asshole." He muttered under his breath. *** Solomon walked into the Obama conference room, his head muddled with the name Max had given him earlier. But it cleared up when he saw Kestrel...
  13. BarkWolfBacon

    Realistic or Modern To End A War (Angel/Devil/Mythology Rp)IC

    Lucas Samael Hargrave (Wrath) Truc handed him a letter, addressed side down. Luke opened it and read it, one eyebrow raising up in doubt as he did. To the lord of Wrath- Congratulations and happy belated birthday. It is my pleasure to inform you that you are the new sin of wrath and a lord...
  14. BarkWolfBacon

    Realistic or Modern To End A War (Angel/Devil/Mythology Rp)IC

    Luke woke up with a sudden pain in his head, and tried to sit up but his movement was restricted by a whole bunch of tape wound around his wound. Not a cop, not an EMT either. The man who had just smacked him across the head was about Luke's height, with a dark mop of hair and a shit eating...
  15. BarkWolfBacon

    Realistic or Modern To End A War (Angel/Devil/Mythology Rp)IC

    Lucas Samael Hargrave (Wrath) Luke stood outside the church during the entire ceremony. He couldn't bear to see Marcus' corpse. Churches weren't really his thing either, any God who had made the world this way was a twit, and Luke didn't have time for fools. No one came to Marcus' funeral, save...
  16. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    Gideon glitches and begins to play the classical song "Fuck the Police" by N.W.A. many officers laugh. she then stops and announces, "Terribly sorry, someone seems to have rewritten my music protocols as a joke."
  17. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    NARRATOR C.P.D. HQ October 19th, 2077 It was a chilly autumn morning in downtown Chicago, the morning fog stretching well into the second horizontal glidecar traffic lanes, which meant rush hour was even more of a bitch than usual. The city was bustling, people going to and from work. Some...
  18. BarkWolfBacon

    Futuristic Chicago 2099 (RP)

    Current C.P.D. Detectives 1. @GhastlySquash as - Mary 'Jill Chapel' Dawson - Sex Crimes 2. @BarkWolfBacon as - Solomon M. Glass, Sex Crimes 3. @Epiphany as - Kestrel Ambrose, Biotech Crimes Current C.P.D. Undercover Operations 1. @Stickdom as - Roxanne "Rosie" Skinner 2. @An Abandoned...
  19. BarkWolfBacon

    Fandom Welcome to Night Vale

    Carlos shook his head forcefully, "Alex, I'm not that kind of scientist. I got this at the local toy store, I don't think I can modify a device that shoots large rounded sugar clumps into one that shoots salt....I'll learn how to do that though....could come in handy..." Isaac threw a fistful...
  20. BarkWolfBacon

    Fandom Welcome to Night Vale

    After Carlos pumped a few more marshmallows into the closet, Isaac let out a bellow as he charged in for the salt. He could feel the shadow people gripping at him, cold and clammy. He threw both bags over his shoulder, the shadow people avoiding him on his way out thanks to the thin line of...