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  1. crumbelivable

    Food What is y'alls favorite candy?

    Mini Starbusts for sure.
  2. crumbelivable

    Other Do you know how to cook?

    I make a mean plate of skeety nachos: place grated black diamond cheese on top of tostitos, microwave for 30-35 seconds...
  3. crumbelivable

    Other What's your infodump subject?

    Airlines, Airplanes, Logos, Skyscrapers, old synthesizers, old tech au general, old media formats, need I go on?
  4. crumbelivable

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    This ad. I was super into "Unbelieveable" by EMF when I found this.
  5. crumbelivable

    Other How do you do 8+7?

    7+10 = 17 - 2 = 15
  6. crumbelivable

    Other everyone's favorite question!

    Skittles is my old standby. Doubly so now that they've brought the lime ones back to the original bags. That or wint-o-green lifesavers. Those are like crack cocaine to me.
  7. crumbelivable

    Food If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

    Chicken, mashed potatoes, and milk. I'm a simple man.
  8. crumbelivable

    Other Tell Me Your Best Jokes!

    What happened to the robot who attacked its owner? He was charged with battery!
  9. crumbelivable

    Other Is This A Sign That Someone Hates You?

    Likes never really register with me on places like this. It feels more like a social media thing than something for forums like this. If I get a like, it's nice and I'm glad to get it, but I never give out likes and I prefer a genuine reply to a like any day.
  10. crumbelivable

    Other Do you miss rp friends?

    I had some people I RPed with, they ran a netlabel which I was on the discord server of. The RP was great, rejuvinated my then-waning interest in writing, but the people managing it took some issue with some of my plot points, and generally just hated my guts. The worst was the server owner...
  11. crumbelivable

    Other What is the best app/programme for writing?

    Google docs is my go-to and Microsoft word for storing things offline. But if you really want a free, open source office suite, LibreOffice is highly recommended.
  12. crumbelivable

    Tech I showed my PC setup to my IT friend and he told me we're not friends anymore

    aaaaaaaaagh, that cable going around the front of the desk. Put it in behind, your pc has ports there just for that!
  13. crumbelivable

    Other What is scary too you?

    Nuclear wars the big one for me. Just having everything you know and love wiped out in the space of a day, and slowly dying and fading away afterward. Very smart of me to watch Threads in the midst of all that's going on right now. It's kept me up many many nights, even nine months after the fact!
  14. crumbelivable

    Other Random question of the day

    the phrase "easier said than done" exists for a reason.
  15. crumbelivable

    Other Random question of the day

    I already did. It was about a young transparent ball who gets bullied for having no colors, but soon discovers he's a prism.
  16. crumbelivable

    Other Random question of the day

    Anything in excess will kill you. Even water.
  17. crumbelivable

    Other What instrument do you play?

    I'm a monster in the drums. I'd love to get into other things though, especially bass, and learning how to work a DAW.
  18. crumbelivable

    Other Gender and strength of impact

    Latine. Gotta say, that sounds a lot better. Glad to see people are at least trying to make these concepts more fitting to their cultures. This was the first I've heard of such a thing.
  19. crumbelivable

    Other Gender and strength of impact

    I am interested to hear you have such a position. I've got no quarrel with it if people are alright with it, but I have witnessed a good number of such people state their distaste with it. And the United States does have a long history of pushing things onto Latin nations that they don't like...
  20. crumbelivable

    Other Gender and strength of impact

    I've always felt the concept of gender neutrality is a very anglo-centric thing, to be honest. We native English speakers should honestly be proud for how gender neutral our language is already. We're pretty unique out of all the Latin languages for that. Languages like French and Spanish have...