Search results for query: *

  1. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Plumbers: Welcome to the multiverse

    "I see," Val said, with a snicker. "well, I suppose it's only fair for your, ah, wilder side to have a silver tongue. Though, if he's truly is that useful for our sort, I'll be sure to remember that when he inevitably comes around asking for a favor... or a drink." Now it was her own turn to...
  2. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Plumbers: Welcome to the multiverse

    Val accepted the lighter from Prax. The truth was one already lay in her pocket and she was merely looking for the car's device, but if the Plumber was willing to offer a peace offering, she certainly wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Thanks," she rotely responded, giving it a...
  3. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Plumbers: Welcome to the multiverse

    Val let off a "tch" and leaned back in the seat, her hands knitted behind her head. "Noel, just so you know, the Plumbers aren't the first all-powerful, all-seeing organization I've had the fortune of crossing paths with," she said with enough derision to kill an ox. "And they certainly...
  4. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Plumbers: Welcome to the multiverse

    Lucy giving her the week off? Oh this was serious; Val responded quizzically with a nod, handing over the towel with nary a word. What in the world could this guy be offering to the literal heiress to hell to warrant capitulating like this? She made three quiet steps to the back wall to reach...
  5. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Plumbers: Welcome to the multiverse

    Ah, kegger week. The time of year when every vandal, miscreant, and ne'er-do-well stopped their endless backstabbing of one another and came together to bond over the one thing they could agree was best in life; ludicrous amounts of beer imbibed at disturbing rates. Val was far from a...
  6. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Plumbers-Character sheet

    Description: With stark white hair parted by black horns, intense red eyes, and pale skin beside a spade-like tail, there is little doubt as to Val's heritage. She is small but lithe, her posture both relaxed and ready to strike at any moment. She wears a black three piece suit with red dress...
  7. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings The Helldiver- An RP to sit back and relax at a weird bar [Open]

    "Well then," Val carried on, retrieving another mixing tin to begin another drink, adding rum to peach schnapps, cranberry juice, vanilla extract, and shaking it all over ice to pour into a glass. "I'll have to check with the boss, see if she'll give me the night off so I can fit you into my...
  8. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Revelations - 'Like Gods Stirring the Celestial Hot-Pot' [OOC Thread]

    @II-CinderRadcliff-II hokay, I think I've completed porting Val over; lemme know what you think.
  9. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Revelations - 'Like Gods Stirring the Celestial Hot-Pot' [OOC Thread]

    Oh, another question: for Realms/settings where civilization hasn't really spread from one planet, how should we handle the realm questions?
  10. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Revelations - 'Like Gods Stirring the Celestial Hot-Pot' [OOC Thread]

    Thanks! Glad to hear; quick question, what is the different between Skills and Abilities? I tried to guess what they were but figured I should ask.
  11. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Revelations - 'Like Gods Stirring the Celestial Hot-Pot' [OOC Thread]

    Gonna port over my long running character for this. Hopefully everything works out.
  12. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Revelations - 'Like Gods Stirring the Celestial Hot-Pot' [Character Sheets]

    Name - Nickname - Title: Val'sharra Nightshroud - Val - Soror Peregrina "Wandering Sister" Realm # - Realm Type: Realm # 578 - Technoarcane Sci-Fantasy Age - Height - Gender - Sexuality: Unsure, looks 24 - 5'2" - Female - Pansexual Appearance - Attire: With stark white hair parted by black...
  13. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Revelations - 'Like Gods Stirring the Celestial Hot-Pot' [Multiverse RP - 18+ Only]

    Interesting... all right, I'm willing to see how this plays out!
  14. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings Revelations - 'Like Gods Stirring the Celestial Hot-Pot' [Multiverse RP - 18+ Only]

    Huh. Well I'm certainly intrigued by this, though what's going to drive the plot for characters?
  15. PixelSymphony

    Futuristic Welcome to Las Vegas (open)

    Ah, the plot ended up being a bit different than I thought it would be, so I'm actually gonna beg off. Best of luck!
  16. PixelSymphony

    Futuristic Futuristic earth (open and searching for co-GM)

    Well hello again to you too~ Realized I never mentioned my favorite punk, which is to no surprise, cyberpunk.
  17. PixelSymphony

    Futuristic Futuristic earth (open and searching for co-GM)

    Heya girly, saw this and figured i'd pipe up. Zilch interest in GMing but definitely willing to be a participant!
  18. PixelSymphony

    Futuristic Chasing the Morningstar(Main Thread)

    From her perch, Val sat and listened quietly as X3 gave her debriefing, a curious brow raising as she revealed just what the magnitude of the find was as well as the unfortunate broadcast of such, before dropping into a furrow as she contemplated the choice she gave them. "Spectres of the...
  19. PixelSymphony

    Multiple Settings The Helldiver- An RP to sit back and relax at a weird bar [Open]

    Val laughed a bit at Mackenzie's sisterly teasing. "Oh be nice, this is the first time she's ever been to a bar. It takes some time to get used to the customs and practices. And besides, how could she help it when she has a hostess as yours truly?" She posed, directing hands at herself as if...