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  1. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Sapphira It was moments like these where things between them seemed okay, they were able to ignore the outside world and just sit there cheering for Cedric. Larkyn was always supportive, a bit too much at times when he suggests her working in a shop, but she loved his support. That was the...
  2. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Loire Gaunt. There was always one word that could wake Lorie from the deadest of sleeps. Voldemort. It caused goosebumps to shoot across every bit of her pale skin. The gasps, screams, and sobs did nothing to her, but his name forced her to stir from her sleep. The next thing she knew was Cyrus...
  3. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Sapphira Did Larkyn even know Sapphira? At times it didn't seem like it. They had gotten to know each other, became fast friends earlier on in the year. She knew he was protective of women, but she also just lumped it up to being part of his job. He wasn't always like this... was he? Loire and...
  4. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Loire Gaunt. For years Loire dreamed of a life with Cyrus, one filled with laughter, love, joy, adventure. Now that they were together things felt amazing, better than she could have ever imagined. She went to bed with him, woke up to him, they had a life together in his small mentor room. Yet...
  5. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Sapphira Coming from an elite family, Sapphira learned from an early age to always put her best foot forward, to never let anyone see that they hurt you. Swallowing her pain and anxieties came naturally to the fiery haired woman. Only, as Larkyn snorted she felt that wall crack. She was already...
  6. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Loire Gaunt. Outvoted yet again. It was clear Loire needed more murderous friends, but she had somehow found herself attached to this lot of goody-two-shoes. That, and she was far too lazy to actually go out and find her own friend group. Cyrus was (is?) Larkyn's best friend, and while Dru was...
  7. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Sapphira Everything about the next few months broke her heart. If it hadn't been for Larkyn's strength and mentoring Cedric she wasn't sure she would've made it until June. Larkyn was right, at least they had each other. It was clear that Delaney was mad at her, for good reason too, but...
  8. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Loire Gaunt While it completely elated her to hear, it didn't matter how long Cyrus pined after her. Larkyn was her brother, her blood, her fucking twin. They were born into the world together, if anyone should look out for each other it was them! Yet, Larkyn was angry at her and Cyrus still...
  9. Pax Pardus Hale

    Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed

    Sora This man would be the utter death of Sora, of this she was certain. She loved his ridiculous ass hoodie, not that she'd tell him and inflate his ego even more, and couldn't help but giggle at that little twirl he gave. Per usual though Sora put the threat in the air with absolutely no way...
  10. Pax Pardus Hale

    Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed

    Woo Lee Not knowing your name or anyone you’re supposedly close to was terrifying. Like an animal cornered and surrounded Lee was shaken to her core. Her only defense mechanism was that award winning bitchy attitude of hers. The guy in black, Tae? He didn’t seem too off put by her behavior and...
  11. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Loire Gaunt Right now she could be dancing the night away with Cyrus, yet here she was dealing with this train wreck. These people were a fucking mess. Since when were her and Cyrus the ones causing the least amount of trouble? At this point Loire was ready to take Cyrus up on his offer and...
  12. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Sapphira The slap stopped her world. All she could do was focus on the stinging handprint on her cheek and the hateful, truthful words that Dru spilled. How'd she know about Seb? Who else knew? So long as Delaney-- Delaney. Tears welled in her eyes as she realized her friend was there to...
  13. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Loire Gaunt "Don't try to butter me up by your sweet words." Loire's brow arched as if she were to scold him, the glimmer of a faint smile on her lips saying otherwise. "You know I'm always your number one supporter, but if I hadn't stepped in there he would've beat you to a pulp. I prefer you...
  14. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Sapphira Sapphira couldn't imagine what Larkyn was going through. She had never stood up for herself in her life; her father dictated her major, her job. Hell, he only allowed her to attend Hogwarts because he wanted Sapphira to learn how to control her magic, so that she didn't use it on...
  15. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Loire Gaunt Never in her life would Loire lump her brother in with scum. He drove her crazy at times, more times than she'd like as of late, but he was her twin. That didn't mean that she wouldn't call him out when she was wrong, and he expected him of the same courtesy. So it drove her insane...
  16. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Sapphira "Incoming." "What?" The sudden warning from Cedric had Sapphira stand straight up as she prepared for the worst. She spun on her heels and her eyes instantly landed on Larkyn as he stalked towards them. Her eyes darted to Dru, abandoned mid dance, before quickly settling back on him...
  17. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Sapphira Apparently peer pressure was still a thing she fell victim too. As the girls giggled and talked about their dates, about the dance, about the makeup Sapphira was expertly applying to their face, they asked why she herself wasn't getting ready. Simply put, Sapphira said she wasn't...
  18. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Loire Gaunt What a fucking predicament. Loire felt like she was just as in the wrong as Larkyn. She should've never let this thing with Cyrus get this far, not without being honest with him. But if she was honest with him about what would happen to her she was terrified he'd leave her. She had...
  19. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Loire Gaunt “You don’t need to join that ridiculous club because there’s nothing to be jealous of.” Loire snarled at the thought of Cyrus anywhere near Sapphira. Hunter was fine, an idiot but fine. Sapphira was a fucking snake in the grass, effectively stealing her brother from her in a matter...
  20. Pax Pardus Hale

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Sapphira It ached her heart to have seen the internal struggle Larkyn was going through. He had been so angry, reasonably so, at everyone. Why couldn't they trust or confide in him like Sapphira had so quickly learned to do? She'd never know. "No punching is probably the best strategy." A small...