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  1. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    I'm ready to jump in if you're still accepting members!
  2. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Noble Souls: Island of Despair (IC)

    A sigh escaped the emerald assassin, but she knew this was a very crucial moment. She was mature and wise enough to know that she was innocent, now all she had to do was prove herself to the rest of these people. For now, all she could do was answer any questions they had and try to prove her...
  3. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Noble Souls: Island of Despair (IC)

    Jade couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Now she was strapped in chains, with nobody to defend her while also surrounded by everyone on the island. The emerald assassin steeled herself as she looked up at her captor. “Before we begin, let me ask you this: Is this how you deal justice? What...
  4. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Noble Souls: Island of Despair (IC)

    Jade narrowed her eyes, sending a dark glare in Sett’s direction. She hadn’t exactly made herself friendly to everyone here, and honestly she saw no reason to. She wasn’t here to make friends. But Jade wasn’t stupid. She knew there were assassins on the island and that she would probably be the...
  5. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Noble Souls: Island of Despair (IC)

    Jade leaned against the wall, listening to everyone’s charges against her and this gunslinger who bore an uncanny resemblance to Erron Black. She had distanced herself from the group in order to relax and finally get some alone time, but it seemed like that wasn’t going to happen. “Any other...
  6. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Noble Souls: Island of Despair (IC)

    “A magical door, hm? Interesting…” Jade replied nonchalantly, sipping her drink. "I see. Well, that's quite the-" Jade's reply was cut short when the darkness consumed them, and no sooner had the lights come up and the bloodbath revealed did the former Outworld Assassin move from her seat and...
  7. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Noble Souls: Island of Despair (IC)

    “A magical door, hm? Interesting…” Jade replied nonchalantly, sipping her drink. “Tell me about yourself. I haven’t seen such an… interesting being in my years of travels.”
  8. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Noble Souls: Island of Despair (IC)

    Jade noticed a strange man sit at her table. The ebony beauty gave him a once over, quickly taking in every detail. He didn’t look too threatening, but she could never be too careful… “Hello. You certainly have an interesting appearance. Were you on the ship as well?” Jade asked, brushing a...
  9. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Noble Souls: Island of Despair (IC)

    “Take a vacation, she said….” A beautiful ebony skinned woman muttered to herself as she nursed a glass of wine. She sat alone at a table, ignoring all the chatter of the civilians around her much like she had on the way here. It wasn’t that the emerald beauty had zero interest in socializing...
  10. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Noble Souls: Island of Despair (CS) [CLOSED]

    Appearance: Name: Jade Age: Unknown Canon: Powers/Abilities/Equipment: When she was first introduced in MKII, Jade was the only secret character to possess an outright special ability: an absolute immunity to projectile attacks. Any projectiles thrown at her would fly harmlessly pass...
  11. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis: Characters

    'Quote' (optional): "This is Mugen Tenshin!" Name: Kasumi Universe: Gender: Female Species: Human Bio: Kasumi is the sister of Hayate and half-sister to Ayane, and a practitioner of the Tenshinmon Style of Mugen-Tenshin Ninjutsu. They lived happily together until one day Raidou came...
  12. Hahli Nuva

    News & Updates It's a Bad Time for Computer Trouble

    Okay, I think I got it. But just in case... Tell me the whole thing again I wasn't listening.
  13. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Universe Correction Agency: Bot Crisis All-Out Attack. (RolePlay)

    Unlike her opponent, Madama Butterfly was not linked to the mortal realm. Drawing upon the powers of Inferno, she once again sent a giant bright orb of purple dark magic at Berserk, the two spheres set on a collision course. The busty demoness had barely broken a sweat, having sustained minor...
  14. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Universe Correction Agency: Bot Crisis All-Out Attack. (RolePlay)

    The Demon Queen was slashed across the face just as she knocked Berserk's arm away to slug him across his own face. She then lifted her foot and buried it into Mechagodzilla's chest, kicking him back to create space between them. Madama Butterfly then rushed forwards and launched herself feet...
  15. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Universe Correction Agency: Bot Crisis All-Out Attack. (RolePlay)

    Madama Butterfly blocked the beam with her hand, rushing through the laser bolts that peppered her toned, voluptuous body. She body slammed into Berserk head on, pounding his shields with earth shattering punches to hopefully break them completely.
  16. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Universe Correction Agency: Bot Crisis All-Out Attack. (RolePlay)

    Madama Butterfly raised her arms up in an X to block the onslaught. She was pushed back a bit but didn't seem to be too hurt, her heels digging up ridges on the street. The giant demon queen then shifted her stance, crouching slightly and cupping her hands to charge up a large violet sphere...
  17. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Universe Correction Agency: Bot Crisis All-Out Attack. (RolePlay)

    As Mechagodzilla ravaged the fleet and everyone either tried in vain to fight back or flee the scene, a lone woman clad in black watched everything unfold from the roof of a nearby tower. "Well isn't this just annoying. Can't a girl get some shopping done in peace? Looks like these UCA heroes...
  18. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Universe Correction Agency: Bot Crisis All-Out Attack. (RolePlay)

    "But that's impossible. How did he amass an army so quickly? What does he want with us? Do you think... Do you think he came back to finish what he started?" Marie asked, looking around the room as well.
  19. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Universe Correction Agency: Bot Crisis All-Out Attack. (RolePlay)

    Marie watched as the man built his turret, blushing slightly at his compliment. Akira was still AWOL, but she could get to finding her later. Right now this mission was what was important. That being said, Marie felt that she needed to clarify some things. "Engi? I didn't mean that you...
  20. Hahli Nuva

    Fandom Universe Correction Agency: Bot Crisis All-Out Attack. (RolePlay)

    Marie had kept pace with Engineer this far, and this time had moved to stand opposite the man before her. She had no connection to this universe, but they all shared the horrible trait of death and losing loved ones. She couldn't imagine how hard it was for him to not only come back to a bastion...