Search results for query: *

  1. Harmonic Raindrops

    Fandom Just two queers and a whole lotta desert [Multifandom RP search!]

    Hello creatures! I've been interested in re-joining the world of rp recently, so, uh, here's my post I guess :p :ghostv: About me: Hello y'all, call me Rain! I'm -18, and use she/her pronouns. I roleplayed a bunch during the pandemic, but I haven't rped in quite a while so sorry if I make any...
  2. Harmonic Raindrops

    Fandom Into the forest (Warrior cats)

    I hope she knows what she's doing Oak though, and left, heading off for food park the apprentices had left for earlier in the day. He skirted around pedestrians who crowded the streets, trying to take the quickest route he could. {Oak; Twoleg Place filler - @JustHereToHide ) Olive and Pumpkin...
  3. Harmonic Raindrops

    Fandom Into the forest (Warrior cats)

    {Oak & Lilac; Twoleg Place fillers - @JustHereToHide } Oak was about to disagree with the older tom, when another voice stepped in. "Sure. We'll tell him" Wh- Lilac. Of course. Doesn't she see how bad an idea this is? We're basically handing Olive's boyfriend (wasn't his name Pumpkinpaw?) over...
  4. Harmonic Raindrops

    Fandom Into the forest (Warrior cats)

    {Oak; Twoleg Place Filler - @JustHereToHide @m a n d e l a } Time Depiction: Mid-day Although he was still angry, Oak eased off of the stranger a bit at the prospect of a deal. Retracting his claws, the tom kept his paws steady on the other's forelegs and stared. "And what would that be?" Oak...
  5. Harmonic Raindrops

    Fandom Into the forest (Warrior cats)
    Index: The Pack of Stars is introduced

    {Shadowfish; FC Medicine Cat - None} Shadowfish started walking, noticing that sky was darkening. Although no one had yet appeared to guide her through her dream, she heard voices up ahead. She gently peaked her head through the bushes, watching as a circle of- wait, was that, dogs? She...
  6. Harmonic Raindrops

    Welcome mortal...

    Welcome mortal...
  7. Harmonic Raindrops

    Fandom [FANDOM] 1x1 Zootopia/Furry Universe RP

    Cool!! Would you be interested in doing some plotting sometime? Dm if you want! <3
  8. Harmonic Raindrops

    Fandom [FANDOM] 1x1 Zootopia/Furry Universe RP

    Bumpity Bump If anyone's interested please comment or Dm! I'd still very much like to do this RP :)
  9. Harmonic Raindrops

    welcome new person :p

    welcome new person :p
  10. Harmonic Raindrops

    Fandom [FANDOM] 1x1 Zootopia/Furry Universe RP

    Hello! My name's Rain (she/her), and currently I'm looking for a new 1x1 Rp! I'm a minor who has been roleplaying for about a year, and I mostly do Fantasy/Fandom Rps. Typically I write about a paragraph or two per response, but often shorten my writing when writing out character interactions...
  11. Harmonic Raindrops

    Great, Ima get drawing. *Starts looking up hot demons* Might not see him till like noon tho...

    Great, Ima get drawing. *Starts looking up hot demons* Might not see him till like noon tho lol. I take forever to draw
  12. Harmonic Raindrops

    Okay yes i have a kinda weird old never-before-seen oc that will work perfectly for this She's...

    Okay yes i have a kinda weird old never-before-seen oc that will work perfectly for this She's Tate's kid (aka Fiddleford's granddaughter) and basically has the personality of Granny Puckett. ALWAYS wears overalls no matter what and shes stolen Melody's hair color. Also shes like, 10 or somthing
  13. Harmonic Raindrops

    YESYESYESYESOMGYES SDFGHJKDFGHJKL Any particular fandoms or can i just go with any ol' OC?

    YESYESYESYESOMGYES SDFGHJKDFGHJKL Any particular fandoms or can i just go with any ol' OC?
  14. Harmonic Raindrops

    sure sure. do you mean we draw each other's OCs then??

    sure sure. do you mean we draw each other's OCs then??
  15. Harmonic Raindrops

    Yea sure!! Sounds fun I love drawing ocs lol

    Yea sure!! Sounds fun I love drawing ocs lol